Probably, but sadly I have yet to run into one. It seems like I'm the only Gothic person here which kind of sucks but I guess it's OK I'm glad my life doesn't revolve around blacks, bats, and... yeah I was going to say something else but couldn't come up with anything clever so... I'm glad my life doesn't revolve around just being goth, even though I love so many Gothic things I also like so many things that aren't Goth too.
Anyway the reason I'm making this blog is because I thought I ran into a Gothic girl at work on Saturday, she was dressed all alternatively and looked awesome but since she had her work uniform on it is kind of hard to tell how she usually dresses. I started talking to her and it turns out she's not goth but more of a metal-head kind of person lol. That still doesn't make her less awesome though, but I would still love to be able to at least meet another gothic person at University.
Just a blog on the internet that talks about different things such as cyber and gothic cluture as well as movies, music, video games, religion, and other things.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween 2012 (Super Short Story Time)
Yep it's that time again, hopefully everyone has had a great Halloween!
So, for a Halloween blog I have a story planned. This was actually something I was planning on doing as a normal blog thing, but I ended up not doing that. Anyway here's the story:
Bobbie was an 8 year old child, going to Grandde Elementary School he had an older sister named April who would always go trick-or-treating with him, and was very protective of her younger brother.April also loved to scare her brother just before they went out trick-or-treating because she wanted Bobbie to be in the perfect mood for the time of year. However this Halloween was different, April had a very bad cold and could not take her younger brother trick-or-treating this year. Bobbie was very sad about this, but Ashley suggested he should ask their parents if he could go by himself, so Bobbie did.
"Mommie, Daddie can I please go trick-or-treating? I'm old enough to go by myself!" His parents discuses this together and they finally decided that he could "But be careful Bobbie, we don't want you to end up like that one kid who was kidnapped and killed all those years ago!". Bobbie agreed to be careful and then ran back to his big sister telling her the good news, "April, April I can go trick-or-treating!" He was so excited, and April was happy for him. She asked him to come close because she wanted to tell him the traditional scary story before he left. This scary story was about an old sacrificial burial ground in a place called the Omanama Park, it wasn't too far from where they lived which made it an even scarier story! Anyway, the story started off that Omanama Park was an ancient sacrificial burial ground where people used to sacrifice humans to the gods to protect them from a beast that was terrorizing their town. The sacrifices didn't work, however because there was something with the ground and everyone who died on that ground came back to life exactly 15 years later and killed the first person they saw as their revenge for being murdered.
After story time with his big sister, Bobbie got dressed into his Friday the 13th Jason costume, grabbed his pillowcase, and started going trick-or-treating. Right before the first house Bobbie noticed that his pillow was still in the pillowcase, so Bobbie threw it on the ground and rang the doorbell. "Trick-or-Treat!"
A few blocks down a creepy guy with broken teeth, and an eye-patch was sitting in his car. Bobbie passed the car and soon the creepy guy got out "hey kid..." Bobbie looked back and remembered what his mother said to him when he was running out the door "be careful of strangers, hunny, tonight is the night when many kids go missing so whatever you do, don't go near adults who aren't in a house, especially if you don't know them." So Bobbie turned and ran, but the man started chasing him! Bobbie was running past cars, over fences and even made it to his school, but the creepy man still followed. "How am I going to lose this guy?" Bobbie thought to himself, "ah,ha! I got it, I'll lose him in the old park!" So Bobbie ran to the old park, he was confident he would get away, but something poked up from the ground, grabbed his ankle, and he tripped.
A few seconds later the creepy guy arrived at the park "Hmmm, where did that kid go? All I wanted was to give him back the wallet that he dropped." The man looked for the kid a few more minutes, but with no luck he headed home. The wind picked up later that night, it was so strong it blew some of the bushes around, allowing the park's sign to finally be read "Welcome to Omanama Park".
.... yeah I know, this wasn't a very good story and it's totally told and not shown but hey, who was fone?
What did I do this Halloween? Well nothing except go to class, have dinner with a friend, and watch Hocus Pocus ( a movie that I think I remembered watching as a kid). What did you do for Halloween?
So, for a Halloween blog I have a story planned. This was actually something I was planning on doing as a normal blog thing, but I ended up not doing that. Anyway here's the story:
Bobbie was an 8 year old child, going to Grandde Elementary School he had an older sister named April who would always go trick-or-treating with him, and was very protective of her younger brother.April also loved to scare her brother just before they went out trick-or-treating because she wanted Bobbie to be in the perfect mood for the time of year. However this Halloween was different, April had a very bad cold and could not take her younger brother trick-or-treating this year. Bobbie was very sad about this, but Ashley suggested he should ask their parents if he could go by himself, so Bobbie did.
"Mommie, Daddie can I please go trick-or-treating? I'm old enough to go by myself!" His parents discuses this together and they finally decided that he could "But be careful Bobbie, we don't want you to end up like that one kid who was kidnapped and killed all those years ago!". Bobbie agreed to be careful and then ran back to his big sister telling her the good news, "April, April I can go trick-or-treating!" He was so excited, and April was happy for him. She asked him to come close because she wanted to tell him the traditional scary story before he left. This scary story was about an old sacrificial burial ground in a place called the Omanama Park, it wasn't too far from where they lived which made it an even scarier story! Anyway, the story started off that Omanama Park was an ancient sacrificial burial ground where people used to sacrifice humans to the gods to protect them from a beast that was terrorizing their town. The sacrifices didn't work, however because there was something with the ground and everyone who died on that ground came back to life exactly 15 years later and killed the first person they saw as their revenge for being murdered.
After story time with his big sister, Bobbie got dressed into his Friday the 13th Jason costume, grabbed his pillowcase, and started going trick-or-treating. Right before the first house Bobbie noticed that his pillow was still in the pillowcase, so Bobbie threw it on the ground and rang the doorbell. "Trick-or-Treat!"
A few blocks down a creepy guy with broken teeth, and an eye-patch was sitting in his car. Bobbie passed the car and soon the creepy guy got out "hey kid..." Bobbie looked back and remembered what his mother said to him when he was running out the door "be careful of strangers, hunny, tonight is the night when many kids go missing so whatever you do, don't go near adults who aren't in a house, especially if you don't know them." So Bobbie turned and ran, but the man started chasing him! Bobbie was running past cars, over fences and even made it to his school, but the creepy man still followed. "How am I going to lose this guy?" Bobbie thought to himself, "ah,ha! I got it, I'll lose him in the old park!" So Bobbie ran to the old park, he was confident he would get away, but something poked up from the ground, grabbed his ankle, and he tripped.
A few seconds later the creepy guy arrived at the park "Hmmm, where did that kid go? All I wanted was to give him back the wallet that he dropped." The man looked for the kid a few more minutes, but with no luck he headed home. The wind picked up later that night, it was so strong it blew some of the bushes around, allowing the park's sign to finally be read "Welcome to Omanama Park".
.... yeah I know, this wasn't a very good story and it's totally told and not shown but hey, who was fone?
What did I do this Halloween? Well nothing except go to class, have dinner with a friend, and watch Hocus Pocus ( a movie that I think I remembered watching as a kid). What did you do for Halloween?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
My Horror Video game Recommendations
OK so Halloween is coming up and what better way to celebrate it than to play some creepy videogames? Here are some horror-themed video games that you might want to check out.
1. Silent Hill 3 (PS2, PC) - My favorite Silent Hill game, it's a sequel to the first one where you play as Heather a grown woman venturing into the evil town of Silent Hill. It's basically one of the last really good survival horror games, in my opinion, and because it's a survival horror game it has those tank-like controls. It also has a few bonuses in the game depending on how you beat it (with 3 different endings), and it also has some awesome places you go, like the Amusement Park, and Robbie the Rabbit making this my favorite Silent Hill game. Also this game is out in the Silent Hill HD "Collection" but I advise against getting that since I hear that it has a ton of bugs, different voice actors, really dumb changes, and the people who made the "collection" already stated that they will not patch/fix the Xbox 360 version.
2. Illbleed (Dreamcast) - Possibly my favorite Dreamcast game. It's basically a haunted house simulator where you go through different levels that have different stories, but the main story in the game is that the . There are multiple endings (with 4 different end bosses and you choose to fight one of them), and quite a few different places you go to, from a real haunted house to a mall. It also has decent controls (they're not great but the game is still playable!), a really unique health system and gameplay (you have 3 different meters, one for how much blood you've lost, one for how scared you are, and one is your general health, the main way you get injured is through traps that either scare you, make you bleed, hurt you, or a combo of all 3 but you can detect the traps to avoid getting injured it's very unique and there's no other game like it!), it also has some amazing dialogue, and by that I mean very hilariously bad dialogue and voice acting, it's pure B-Horror-movie fun! Sadly it was one of the last games on the Dreamcast and got overlooked by a lot of people, it's also getting rather expensive now, I got my copy (complete with everything) for about $25, and now the price for a complete version is in the high $30's.
3. Lone Survivor (PC) - Don't let the 2D retro graphics fool you, this game can get really creepy. Actually this game is probably the scariest game to come out in a long time (with Silent Hill and Resident Evil dropping their survival horror elements and becoming action games) I love Lone Survivor because it shows that you don't have to have flashy graphics to be scary, you just have to have a creepy soundtrack, scary sounds and a haunting atmosphere.
4. Obscure (PS2/Xbox/PC) - Want to play a survival horror game with a friend? Here you go. I think this is the only survival horror game to actually include co-op besides it's sequel (Obscure: The Aftermath). I know Resident Evil 5 has co-op but it is not a survival horror game, at most it's action horror. Anyway, the story for this game is that something is happening at your high school and you're locked inside the school when looking for your friend (idk what kind of high school it is since it's gigantic, but I wish I went there instead of my high school, well you know without all the creepy monsters and stuff lol) You have many different characters to chose from, it includes co-op, there are a few extras, it's like a teenage B-horror-movie (think the movie The Faculty). Sadly this can also be a little pricey (the PS2 Version I have is now $27 - $37
5. Fatal Frame series (PS2/Xbox) - The scariest games I've played, you use a camera to kill the enemies (ghosts) and you do more damage the closer they are when you take the picture. It's really scary when you have to wait just until they are right up in your face about to hurt you.
6. Vampire: The Masquarade - Bloodlines (PC) - OK, so I know this isn't really a creepy game, but I absolutely love it and it is a good game to play for Halloween. I haven't played a whole lot of this game (like only 21 hours worth lol) so I don't know the whole story but it seems like you got turned into a vampire and now you have to do all these quests for them.... in case you were wondering, yes this is an Action RPG game and it is so much fun. You can customize your character (sadly the only real customizations are the name and type of vampire, I don't think you can't change the face :( ), and you can do a lot of side missions if you want to (I always do, it makes the game more fun that way). The only huge downside about this game is that it has tons of glitches (you can find a patch online though so it's not that bad) and it seems to have a hard time running on steam.
Other games to check out that I haven't played all that much so I can't comment on them:
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Amnesia the Dark Descent
Well that's about it, I think I'm also going to stop posting on the weekends since I know this upcoming weekend will be a little crazy.
1. Silent Hill 3 (PS2, PC) - My favorite Silent Hill game, it's a sequel to the first one where you play as Heather a grown woman venturing into the evil town of Silent Hill. It's basically one of the last really good survival horror games, in my opinion, and because it's a survival horror game it has those tank-like controls. It also has a few bonuses in the game depending on how you beat it (with 3 different endings), and it also has some awesome places you go, like the Amusement Park, and Robbie the Rabbit making this my favorite Silent Hill game. Also this game is out in the Silent Hill HD "Collection" but I advise against getting that since I hear that it has a ton of bugs, different voice actors, really dumb changes, and the people who made the "collection" already stated that they will not patch/fix the Xbox 360 version.
2. Illbleed (Dreamcast) - Possibly my favorite Dreamcast game. It's basically a haunted house simulator where you go through different levels that have different stories, but the main story in the game is that the . There are multiple endings (with 4 different end bosses and you choose to fight one of them), and quite a few different places you go to, from a real haunted house to a mall. It also has decent controls (they're not great but the game is still playable!), a really unique health system and gameplay (you have 3 different meters, one for how much blood you've lost, one for how scared you are, and one is your general health, the main way you get injured is through traps that either scare you, make you bleed, hurt you, or a combo of all 3 but you can detect the traps to avoid getting injured it's very unique and there's no other game like it!), it also has some amazing dialogue, and by that I mean very hilariously bad dialogue and voice acting, it's pure B-Horror-movie fun! Sadly it was one of the last games on the Dreamcast and got overlooked by a lot of people, it's also getting rather expensive now, I got my copy (complete with everything) for about $25, and now the price for a complete version is in the high $30's.
3. Lone Survivor (PC) - Don't let the 2D retro graphics fool you, this game can get really creepy. Actually this game is probably the scariest game to come out in a long time (with Silent Hill and Resident Evil dropping their survival horror elements and becoming action games) I love Lone Survivor because it shows that you don't have to have flashy graphics to be scary, you just have to have a creepy soundtrack, scary sounds and a haunting atmosphere.
4. Obscure (PS2/Xbox/PC) - Want to play a survival horror game with a friend? Here you go. I think this is the only survival horror game to actually include co-op besides it's sequel (Obscure: The Aftermath). I know Resident Evil 5 has co-op but it is not a survival horror game, at most it's action horror. Anyway, the story for this game is that something is happening at your high school and you're locked inside the school when looking for your friend (idk what kind of high school it is since it's gigantic, but I wish I went there instead of my high school, well you know without all the creepy monsters and stuff lol) You have many different characters to chose from, it includes co-op, there are a few extras, it's like a teenage B-horror-movie (think the movie The Faculty). Sadly this can also be a little pricey (the PS2 Version I have is now $27 - $37
5. Fatal Frame series (PS2/Xbox) - The scariest games I've played, you use a camera to kill the enemies (ghosts) and you do more damage the closer they are when you take the picture. It's really scary when you have to wait just until they are right up in your face about to hurt you.
6. Vampire: The Masquarade - Bloodlines (PC) - OK, so I know this isn't really a creepy game, but I absolutely love it and it is a good game to play for Halloween. I haven't played a whole lot of this game (like only 21 hours worth lol) so I don't know the whole story but it seems like you got turned into a vampire and now you have to do all these quests for them.... in case you were wondering, yes this is an Action RPG game and it is so much fun. You can customize your character (sadly the only real customizations are the name and type of vampire, I don't think you can't change the face :( ), and you can do a lot of side missions if you want to (I always do, it makes the game more fun that way). The only huge downside about this game is that it has tons of glitches (you can find a patch online though so it's not that bad) and it seems to have a hard time running on steam.
Other games to check out that I haven't played all that much so I can't comment on them:
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Amnesia the Dark Descent
Well that's about it, I think I'm also going to stop posting on the weekends since I know this upcoming weekend will be a little crazy.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Even More Music Pickups! Remix Addition
So, I bet this is getting kind of annoying having so many music pickup posts so close together, so I swear the next blog will be about something else and will actually have substance unlike the previous blog lol.
Anyway here are some CD's I recently bought
Bis - Plastique Nouvau

OK, so I basically got this CD because it was obviously a DJ copy with write saying what tracks would be good to play in the club and what songs are dancible lol, but it is actually really really good. If you don't know who Bis is, they were an indie pop band who did a song I bet many of you remember, The Powerpuff Girls theme song! Anyway, this was their last CD and it's basically straightforward electronic music! Yep, that's right a pop group that had a CD full of electronic music with very minimal singing. The whole CD reminds me of another band, Alice in Videoland. This Cd actually sounds so good it makes me wonder why Bis wasn't an electronic band, but then I remember I still like their poppy music too lol. Anyway here are my favorite songs on this CD
"Protection (Nude Mix)"
"The End Starts Today (Tommie Sunshine's "Nail Me Down" Glasgow Summer Freestyle Mix)" - Ok so this track does actually have a lot of singing, but hey, I think it's most singing on the whole CD lol.
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (and The Perfect Drug [Versions])

I originally wasn't going to get any NIN Cd's because for some reason I don't like getting CD's from extremely popular bands since I think their CD will always be available and other bands (like All Gone Dead or Ashbury Height) will either go waaaaay up in value or won't even be available when I want to buy it. However I ended up caving and buying these two CDs when I was at my local used CD store (the one really close to my house isn't a good one though, it's basically like a gigantic Wallmart, but they do have a huge collection of old CD's and video games, as well as books too, however their huge selection usually doesn't have any of the CD's that I really want and only a few bands I actually listen to (which is crazy since I listen to a ton of bands, but then again I don't listen to a whole lot of popular bands since I find most of my music on the internet lol, although I do have to say that I would really doubt a store like this would have Turkish pop music... yes that is the kind of music I loooove to listen to and it's totally the opposite of goth, Blaspheme! Lol.).....
Anyway back on topic, The Downward Spiral is OK and The Perfect Drug is a great single. The Downward Spiral has a few well known NIN songs like March of the Pigs, Closer, and Hurt, and The Perfect Drug has 5 different remixes with 4 different bands (yes, NIN did their own remix lol), including Meat Beat Manifesto, and Spacetime Continuum. My favorite songs on these CD's are
"March of the Pigs"
"The Perfect Drug (Meat Beat Manifesto Mix)"
"The Perfect Drug (Spacetime Continuum Mix)"
Both of the remixes aren't on youtube so here's the original song
Front Line Assembly - Re-Wind

So this is basically just a whole remix CD, on the first disk FLA did all their own remixes, however on the second disk there are many different artists/bands that did the remixes (like Front 242). I really like this CD since it's more on the electronic side of FLA and not really metal sounding like some of their earlier stuff (ex. Millennium) Anyway my favorite tracks on this CD are
"Aftermath (We All Shall Perish-Mix)"
"Evil Playground (Chainsaw Mix)"
Wolfsheim - Popkiller

Wolfsheim's 4th album, 2nd CD. This is probably my least wanted Wolfsheim CD, however since Wolfsheim is such a hard band to find where I live I had to get it, and since I like Wolfsheim anyway it still ended up being a good CD. I don't believe it has any of their popular songs though (Tender Days and Lovesong might be popular but idk, the songs I remember from Wolfsheim aren't on this CD lol). For those of you who don't know, Wolfsheim is basically in the slow and more emotional synth-pop/electronic music like the band VNV Nation, if you like them you'll probably like Wolfsheim. Anyway my favorite songs on this CD are
"Entropy" - Actually one of my favorite Wolfsheim songs
"Tender Days"
Anyway here are some CD's I recently bought
Bis - Plastique Nouvau
OK, so I basically got this CD because it was obviously a DJ copy with write saying what tracks would be good to play in the club and what songs are dancible lol, but it is actually really really good. If you don't know who Bis is, they were an indie pop band who did a song I bet many of you remember, The Powerpuff Girls theme song! Anyway, this was their last CD and it's basically straightforward electronic music! Yep, that's right a pop group that had a CD full of electronic music with very minimal singing. The whole CD reminds me of another band, Alice in Videoland. This Cd actually sounds so good it makes me wonder why Bis wasn't an electronic band, but then I remember I still like their poppy music too lol. Anyway here are my favorite songs on this CD
"Protection (Nude Mix)"
"The End Starts Today (Tommie Sunshine's "Nail Me Down" Glasgow Summer Freestyle Mix)" - Ok so this track does actually have a lot of singing, but hey, I think it's most singing on the whole CD lol.
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (and The Perfect Drug [Versions])
I originally wasn't going to get any NIN Cd's because for some reason I don't like getting CD's from extremely popular bands since I think their CD will always be available and other bands (like All Gone Dead or Ashbury Height) will either go waaaaay up in value or won't even be available when I want to buy it. However I ended up caving and buying these two CDs when I was at my local used CD store (the one really close to my house isn't a good one though, it's basically like a gigantic Wallmart, but they do have a huge collection of old CD's and video games, as well as books too, however their huge selection usually doesn't have any of the CD's that I really want and only a few bands I actually listen to (which is crazy since I listen to a ton of bands, but then again I don't listen to a whole lot of popular bands since I find most of my music on the internet lol, although I do have to say that I would really doubt a store like this would have Turkish pop music... yes that is the kind of music I loooove to listen to and it's totally the opposite of goth, Blaspheme! Lol.).....
Anyway back on topic, The Downward Spiral is OK and The Perfect Drug is a great single. The Downward Spiral has a few well known NIN songs like March of the Pigs, Closer, and Hurt, and The Perfect Drug has 5 different remixes with 4 different bands (yes, NIN did their own remix lol), including Meat Beat Manifesto, and Spacetime Continuum. My favorite songs on these CD's are
"March of the Pigs"
"The Perfect Drug (Meat Beat Manifesto Mix)"
"The Perfect Drug (Spacetime Continuum Mix)"
Both of the remixes aren't on youtube so here's the original song
Front Line Assembly - Re-Wind
So this is basically just a whole remix CD, on the first disk FLA did all their own remixes, however on the second disk there are many different artists/bands that did the remixes (like Front 242). I really like this CD since it's more on the electronic side of FLA and not really metal sounding like some of their earlier stuff (ex. Millennium) Anyway my favorite tracks on this CD are
"Aftermath (We All Shall Perish-Mix)"
"Evil Playground (Chainsaw Mix)"
Wolfsheim - Popkiller
Wolfsheim's 4th album, 2nd CD. This is probably my least wanted Wolfsheim CD, however since Wolfsheim is such a hard band to find where I live I had to get it, and since I like Wolfsheim anyway it still ended up being a good CD. I don't believe it has any of their popular songs though (Tender Days and Lovesong might be popular but idk, the songs I remember from Wolfsheim aren't on this CD lol). For those of you who don't know, Wolfsheim is basically in the slow and more emotional synth-pop/electronic music like the band VNV Nation, if you like them you'll probably like Wolfsheim. Anyway my favorite songs on this CD are
"Entropy" - Actually one of my favorite Wolfsheim songs
"Tender Days"
Friday, October 19, 2012
Let's Talk About The Weather!
Actually how about not since that would make a very boring blog, unless we talk about global warming or something like that, but I'm not going to do that, sorry random person wishing I would talk about global warming.
Anyway I don't really know what to really blog about, I'm trying to do a post every day though so I need to come up with something.... How about I do a blog post about coming up with a blog post and then the blog post I come up with is a blog post about doing a blog post about a blog post.... Nah, that would be too confusing for people.
OK so now being serious I have nothing to really talk about in this blog post, I mean I recently got these nice pants on amazon but I have no clue if I can wear them and not get crap for it or if they're too girly (I have a huge problem of not knowing what clothing is for guys and what is for girls, and because of that if I'm unsure of the clothing and it's something I like I'll either get it or try to get it and it turns out being for woman lol I'm so bad at "being a guy" lol. and I'm probably totally weirding you all out, but what do you expect from me? :P )

Laces (above) No Laces (down)

OK, so more music pickups will most likely be the next blog, followed by some actual Halloween themed blogs (omg Halloween themed blogs in October what is going on?) if everything goes to plan and I actually keep on posting blogs!
Until then I'm off to get some sleep (I ended up almost missing class because I basically slept through my alarm lol, gotta get to bed earlier tonight!) Also if anyone gets the title reference you get 20 goth points! lol
Anyway I don't really know what to really blog about, I'm trying to do a post every day though so I need to come up with something.... How about I do a blog post about coming up with a blog post and then the blog post I come up with is a blog post about doing a blog post about a blog post.... Nah, that would be too confusing for people.
OK so now being serious I have nothing to really talk about in this blog post, I mean I recently got these nice pants on amazon but I have no clue if I can wear them and not get crap for it or if they're too girly (I have a huge problem of not knowing what clothing is for guys and what is for girls, and because of that if I'm unsure of the clothing and it's something I like I'll either get it or try to get it and it turns out being for woman lol I'm so bad at "being a guy" lol. and I'm probably totally weirding you all out, but what do you expect from me? :P )
Laces (above) No Laces (down)
OK, so more music pickups will most likely be the next blog, followed by some actual Halloween themed blogs (omg Halloween themed blogs in October what is going on?) if everything goes to plan and I actually keep on posting blogs!
Until then I'm off to get some sleep (I ended up almost missing class because I basically slept through my alarm lol, gotta get to bed earlier tonight!) Also if anyone gets the title reference you get 20 goth points! lol
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The Stereotypical But Unusual Emo Post With Special Guest Mr. Music Pickup.
I want to start out this blog by saying sorry it's been so long since my previous blog post, I intended on making a "moving into my dorm" post but the day was too busy and I ended up forgetting, so here you go a new blog post just 2 months late!
Anyway, University has been going pretty badly, not because of the classes (there's only one I don't like) but because I think it basically kicked up my gender-dysphoria (with soooo many reminders that I'm not a girl) which in turn kicked up my depression. It seems like whenever I'm alone or I'm not hanging out with my friends or family I tend to think about myself and that isn't exactly the best thing for me to do because I reflect on everything and I get depressed because I think of myself and cannot stand that I was born a guy, along with other things like not having many friends that live in the dorm (I have like 1 or 2, and all the friends in my classes drive to University from where they live), or not having a girlfriend, or other stuff.I hate saying that I'm depressed because I hate and it makes it seem like all Gothic people are depressed when they are not! I also hate it because my life isn't as bad as other people I am in University, and I already my Associates degree, I have a job (just got that at University a few days after I got here), I have some good friends even if I can't hang out with them that much, heck, I even won a guitar at some University event! But to be blatantly honest I would give up that guitar in a heartbeat if it meant I would have a great girlfriend or amazing friends in the dorm, or I would especially give it up if it meant I could start life over as a girl.
However, lately I bought a Genesis and some video games and that seemed to help take my mind off of this stuff for a bit which is good for now, but I still need to see a gender therapist in the future though I'm just kind of scared and nervous about starting therapy.
OK, enough depressing news here's Mr. Music Pickup to save the post from being too depressing! Here's more music I picked up from over the summer to now.
Alien Sex Fiend - Fiend At The Controls

Alien Sex Fiend is a hit-or-miss band for me, some of their songs I just love (like E.S.T Trip To The Moon, and Magic) but then there are some songs that I just cannot stand at all (such as Smells Like..). However I think this CD is pretty good! It has tons of dubs (I believe those are basically instrumental remix tracks), other remixes, and a few demos and original tracks, and one interview. Oh and apparently it seems like this CD is kind of expensive, so I guess it was good I found it for $7 basically brand new! My favorite tracks on this CD are
"Comatose (The Ultra Mix)"
"Mrs. Fiend Goes To Outer Space (Edit)" - best song on the whole CD in my opinion
ASP - Hast Du Mich Vermisst

In my opinion ASP can be a really good band when they sing in English in German they're ok. However I found out almost all my favorite ASP songs were on this disk so I had to get it lol
"Where Do The God's Go?"
"Sing Child"
"Imbecile Anthem"
Emilie Autumn - Liar/Dead is the New Alive EP

When I saw this CD being sold at a decent price on Amazon I knew I had to buy it, it's one of the hardest Emilie Autumn CD's to find, the only one that might be harder is her Laced/Unlaced album, and it has some really great acoustic songs that are found only on this CD, not to mention some great remixes! There are remixes on this CD from Brendon Small, ASP, Angelspit, Dope Stars Inc, and Velvet Acid Christ). Now I basically have every EA CD (besides some of her early EP's) I just need to get Laced/Unlaced and Enchant from "real" labels and not the stupid IronD one... Oh and the best part was that this CD was autographed by Emilie Autumn! My favorite songs on this CD are (hint some of the only acoustic songs EA ever did)
"In the Lake"
"Let It Die" - learn the lyrics in Spanish! :P
Project Pitchfork - Dhyani

One of my favorite albums by Project Pitchfork (it's also their first) it is pretty much great electronic-industrial music at it's finest and some people think it sounds similar to Skinny Puppy. I see that a little bit because they both sing oddly, however Project Pitchfork is easier to listen to (if you haven't heard any Skinny Puppy before, if you have then they're both not that hard to listen to lol), and they are still both very different bands. You can really see that now if you compare their new stuff. It also seems like this album might be a little bit rare, but who knows lol.Anyway there are some really good songs on this album that are my favorite songs I've heard from Project Pitchfork They are
"2nd Step"
Well it's getting late, so I may end up posting a new blog in the future with more CD's, I need to start making more blogs on here, so maybe I'll try to post almost every day in October from now until Halloween? Idk
Anyway, University has been going pretty badly, not because of the classes (there's only one I don't like) but because I think it basically kicked up my gender-dysphoria (with soooo many reminders that I'm not a girl) which in turn kicked up my depression. It seems like whenever I'm alone or I'm not hanging out with my friends or family I tend to think about myself and that isn't exactly the best thing for me to do because I reflect on everything and I get depressed because I think of myself and cannot stand that I was born a guy, along with other things like not having many friends that live in the dorm (I have like 1 or 2, and all the friends in my classes drive to University from where they live), or not having a girlfriend, or other stuff.I hate saying that I'm depressed because I hate and it makes it seem like all Gothic people are depressed when they are not! I also hate it because my life isn't as bad as other people I am in University, and I already my Associates degree, I have a job (just got that at University a few days after I got here), I have some good friends even if I can't hang out with them that much, heck, I even won a guitar at some University event! But to be blatantly honest I would give up that guitar in a heartbeat if it meant I would have a great girlfriend or amazing friends in the dorm, or I would especially give it up if it meant I could start life over as a girl.
However, lately I bought a Genesis and some video games and that seemed to help take my mind off of this stuff for a bit which is good for now, but I still need to see a gender therapist in the future though I'm just kind of scared and nervous about starting therapy.
OK, enough depressing news here's Mr. Music Pickup to save the post from being too depressing! Here's more music I picked up from over the summer to now.
Alien Sex Fiend - Fiend At The Controls
Alien Sex Fiend is a hit-or-miss band for me, some of their songs I just love (like E.S.T Trip To The Moon, and Magic) but then there are some songs that I just cannot stand at all (such as Smells Like..). However I think this CD is pretty good! It has tons of dubs (I believe those are basically instrumental remix tracks), other remixes, and a few demos and original tracks, and one interview. Oh and apparently it seems like this CD is kind of expensive, so I guess it was good I found it for $7 basically brand new! My favorite tracks on this CD are
"Comatose (The Ultra Mix)"
"Mrs. Fiend Goes To Outer Space (Edit)" - best song on the whole CD in my opinion
ASP - Hast Du Mich Vermisst
In my opinion ASP can be a really good band when they sing in English in German they're ok. However I found out almost all my favorite ASP songs were on this disk so I had to get it lol
"Where Do The God's Go?"
"Sing Child"
"Imbecile Anthem"
Emilie Autumn - Liar/Dead is the New Alive EP
When I saw this CD being sold at a decent price on Amazon I knew I had to buy it, it's one of the hardest Emilie Autumn CD's to find, the only one that might be harder is her Laced/Unlaced album, and it has some really great acoustic songs that are found only on this CD, not to mention some great remixes! There are remixes on this CD from Brendon Small, ASP, Angelspit, Dope Stars Inc, and Velvet Acid Christ). Now I basically have every EA CD (besides some of her early EP's) I just need to get Laced/Unlaced and Enchant from "real" labels and not the stupid IronD one... Oh and the best part was that this CD was autographed by Emilie Autumn! My favorite songs on this CD are (hint some of the only acoustic songs EA ever did)
"In the Lake"
"Let It Die" - learn the lyrics in Spanish! :P
Project Pitchfork - Dhyani
One of my favorite albums by Project Pitchfork (it's also their first) it is pretty much great electronic-industrial music at it's finest and some people think it sounds similar to Skinny Puppy. I see that a little bit because they both sing oddly, however Project Pitchfork is easier to listen to (if you haven't heard any Skinny Puppy before, if you have then they're both not that hard to listen to lol), and they are still both very different bands. You can really see that now if you compare their new stuff. It also seems like this album might be a little bit rare, but who knows lol.Anyway there are some really good songs on this album that are my favorite songs I've heard from Project Pitchfork They are
"2nd Step"
Well it's getting late, so I may end up posting a new blog in the future with more CD's, I need to start making more blogs on here, so maybe I'll try to post almost every day in October from now until Halloween? Idk
Friday, July 27, 2012
Pickups from late-ish 2011 to Now, A Few of Many
Sorry, for some reason blogger messed up and I have no idea how to remove the text background color completely :(
I was going to make a blog last week, but I just felt horrible about what happened in the Aurora Theater shooting :( I feel horrible for everyone who was effected by that disgusting event that took place and my heart goes out to everyone. I wish I could not make this as generic as it sounds but I am never great at saying how bad I feel for the victims :( RIP, you deserve to be remembered and not the insane homicidal maniac. The victims will live on through their loved ones and will never be forgotten.
Now that I got the sad part of this blog out of the way, let's get into new music I got (it's totally important right? Lol nah, I just make these blogs so others may find new bands to enjoy)! I bought a lot more music than this but I am just going over the highlights (and more "gothy" bands, since I bet more of my readers will be into that kind of music. I doubt many people would be super thrilled that I got Junta from Phish or Riot! by Paramore lol). Oh, before I get started I just want to say all the links in this blog will open up the music in a new tab so don't worry about having to constantly hit the back button.
1). Santa Hates You - Crucifix Powerbomb . This is one of my favorite CD's I own it's like industrial mixed with techno with aggressive singing but not too aggressive (I know that isn't the best description but it's a hard band to describe lol). I love how this band doesn't take itself seriously and is basically Peter Spilles' band that he uses to make "fun" music. that being said, you cannot discount Jinxy because PS is such a huge name, she is also amazing. This is basically accessible dance industrial music made by two people having fun, and you will be hard-pressed to find another band like them. Yeah that sums it up well lol. There is one thing that I hate about this band though, they have never toured in the US. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? They have been around for 5 years (possibly more) and it doesn't seem like they went on many tours so far (I guess it's understandable but still I want to see them live lol).
My Favorite Songs
EVERYTHING (Lol ok, so I have to pick 2 since I don't want to list every single song, so I'm picking the two songs that have music videos out, just to show you how "serious" this band is. If you like them you should definitely check out their music video for "Raise The Devil" it is pretty funny, oh and if you're not in the mood for music then maybe check out their mini FAQ video, it's hilarious).
Rocket Heart
2) Hannah Fury - The Thing That Feels. Hannah Fury is an artist who has both of her full length albums sold out! This kind of sucks because both of the CD's are good. Anyway, The Thing That Feels is Hanna Fury's first full length album and I really enjoy it, all she uses is her piano and her voice. Hannah Fury sings all of these songs in a manner that almost gives you chills! If any of you have heard of Kate Bush, Hannah Fury kind of sounds like her, and she also kind of sounds like Emilie Autumn (with EA's more slow-piano songs). This album is also pretty interesting because almost every song is based on the book Wicked: The Life and Time of the Wicked Witch of the West. I believe this is a sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and it got turned into that play "Wicked". I love listening to her songs because you can tell what characters she is singing about (however I never read Wicked so I don't really know the story). However, even though I do love this CD there is one BIG downfall, almost every song sounds the same! I actually didn't mind that on this album but it does limit the album, especially if you don't like the style of any track since there really isn't much variety in this CD :(
Favorite Songs (because every song sounds so similar I'm only going to be linking one even though I love the entire CD).
The Vampire Waltz
3) Hannah Fury - Through the Gash. Hannah fury keeps her haunting tone, but now she adds some drums, overlapping vocals, and her music seems a little bit more electronic now. This is definitely a step up from The Thing That Feels for two reasons, she does have some variety in this CD, and she seems to be growing as an artist, by now adding more instruments! There are some really interesting songs on this CD like the ironically named "Don't Be Scared" which creeps you out and is very otherworldly at the same time.... actually Hannah Fury is the first artist that comes to my mind when someone says ethereal!
Favorite Songs (The first actually has a music video out, and tell me she doesn't look like Kate Bush lol)
Carnival Justice (The Gloves Are Off) pt 2
4). Ego Likeness - East . This is an AMAZING EP! For those of you who don't know, Ego Likeness has made 4 EP's, each of them based on a direction (South, West, North, East) I believe they have all been limited edition but I do not know how many of each (except for East, only 300 of those). This is what I hate about this CD I wish so many more people could experience how great this EP is (I can't lie though, I do kinda love that this CD is going to be hard to find and I have it lol). However, seeing how Ego Likeness operates they might make a few songs on this CD free to download off of their website (they're awesome like that, makes me want to support them more).
Favorite Tracks
Persona Non Gratis
Tea in Sahara
6). Emilie Autumn - Fight Like A Girl. What can I say except I was kind of let down with this album. I think my biggest disappointment was that none of these songs were adapted from a poem or a play. EA's main CD's (Enchant and Ophiliac) both had amazing song adaptations of old pieces of literature (like Shalott, or my favorite of EA's songs, Juliet) and those were some of my favorite songs on her CD's. Sadly this CD is basically just the musical from her Asylum book (from what I understand). That's not to say there are not any songs I love off of this album but there are just songs on here that I simply can't stand, which is very hard for me to say since I love almost everything Emilie Autumn has put out and there has been so few EA songs I didn't like before this album came out. In all fairness though Emilie Autumn did tell everyone what kind of CD this was going to be. I do think it was a mistake to release the CD and not have a whole extra part of a live show because it really sounds like a soundtrack to something that could be an amazing play.
Oh and I should say that even though I did not get my CD in the mail yet, the Digipak looks amazing! I do love collecting Emilie Autumn's CD's and even though this is my least favorite of hers it does have some good songs and I don't regret buying it. However if you were expecting that "Harder" stuff I believe EA said (I think I saw someone comment about how she said Fight Like A Girl was going to be harder than Ophiliac if I remember correctly, sadly that was only true for a few like maybe 4 or so out of 17! However it is great to see that this CD has quite a few songs on it), you should download the harder songs on itunes (when it's out on there, you could also visit her website and listen to song samples if you want). However, I really really really recommend seeing her live because I feel like this CD was made for her live show instead of a stereo, and since EA always has amazing live shows, I'm thinking this will be her best one(s) yet!
Favorite Songs (I'm adding more because of how hard I came off on this CD lol)
Fight Like A Girl
Time For Tea
Take The Pill
Goodnight, Sweet Ladies
OK that's about it I might end up making another blog about more CD's I picked up and my thoughts on them. Peace <3
I was going to make a blog last week, but I just felt horrible about what happened in the Aurora Theater shooting :( I feel horrible for everyone who was effected by that disgusting event that took place and my heart goes out to everyone. I wish I could not make this as generic as it sounds but I am never great at saying how bad I feel for the victims :( RIP, you deserve to be remembered and not the insane homicidal maniac. The victims will live on through their loved ones and will never be forgotten.
Now that I got the sad part of this blog out of the way, let's get into new music I got (it's totally important right? Lol nah, I just make these blogs so others may find new bands to enjoy)! I bought a lot more music than this but I am just going over the highlights (and more "gothy" bands, since I bet more of my readers will be into that kind of music. I doubt many people would be super thrilled that I got Junta from Phish or Riot! by Paramore lol). Oh, before I get started I just want to say all the links in this blog will open up the music in a new tab so don't worry about having to constantly hit the back button.
1). Santa Hates You - Crucifix Powerbomb . This is one of my favorite CD's I own it's like industrial mixed with techno with aggressive singing but not too aggressive (I know that isn't the best description but it's a hard band to describe lol). I love how this band doesn't take itself seriously and is basically Peter Spilles' band that he uses to make "fun" music. that being said, you cannot discount Jinxy because PS is such a huge name, she is also amazing. This is basically accessible dance industrial music made by two people having fun, and you will be hard-pressed to find another band like them. Yeah that sums it up well lol. There is one thing that I hate about this band though, they have never toured in the US. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? They have been around for 5 years (possibly more) and it doesn't seem like they went on many tours so far (I guess it's understandable but still I want to see them live lol).
My Favorite Songs
EVERYTHING (Lol ok, so I have to pick 2 since I don't want to list every single song, so I'm picking the two songs that have music videos out, just to show you how "serious" this band is. If you like them you should definitely check out their music video for "Raise The Devil" it is pretty funny, oh and if you're not in the mood for music then maybe check out their mini FAQ video, it's hilarious).
Rocket Heart
2) Hannah Fury - The Thing That Feels. Hannah Fury is an artist who has both of her full length albums sold out! This kind of sucks because both of the CD's are good. Anyway, The Thing That Feels is Hanna Fury's first full length album and I really enjoy it, all she uses is her piano and her voice. Hannah Fury sings all of these songs in a manner that almost gives you chills! If any of you have heard of Kate Bush, Hannah Fury kind of sounds like her, and she also kind of sounds like Emilie Autumn (with EA's more slow-piano songs). This album is also pretty interesting because almost every song is based on the book Wicked: The Life and Time of the Wicked Witch of the West. I believe this is a sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and it got turned into that play "Wicked". I love listening to her songs because you can tell what characters she is singing about (however I never read Wicked so I don't really know the story). However, even though I do love this CD there is one BIG downfall, almost every song sounds the same! I actually didn't mind that on this album but it does limit the album, especially if you don't like the style of any track since there really isn't much variety in this CD :(
Favorite Songs (because every song sounds so similar I'm only going to be linking one even though I love the entire CD).
The Vampire Waltz
3) Hannah Fury - Through the Gash. Hannah fury keeps her haunting tone, but now she adds some drums, overlapping vocals, and her music seems a little bit more electronic now. This is definitely a step up from The Thing That Feels for two reasons, she does have some variety in this CD, and she seems to be growing as an artist, by now adding more instruments! There are some really interesting songs on this CD like the ironically named "Don't Be Scared" which creeps you out and is very otherworldly at the same time.... actually Hannah Fury is the first artist that comes to my mind when someone says ethereal!
Favorite Songs (The first actually has a music video out, and tell me she doesn't look like Kate Bush lol)
Carnival Justice (The Gloves Are Off) pt 2
4). Ego Likeness - East . This is an AMAZING EP! For those of you who don't know, Ego Likeness has made 4 EP's, each of them based on a direction (South, West, North, East) I believe they have all been limited edition but I do not know how many of each (except for East, only 300 of those). This is what I hate about this CD I wish so many more people could experience how great this EP is (I can't lie though, I do kinda love that this CD is going to be hard to find and I have it lol). However, seeing how Ego Likeness operates they might make a few songs on this CD free to download off of their website (they're awesome like that, makes me want to support them more).
Favorite Tracks
Persona Non Gratis
Tea in Sahara
6). Emilie Autumn - Fight Like A Girl. What can I say except I was kind of let down with this album. I think my biggest disappointment was that none of these songs were adapted from a poem or a play. EA's main CD's (Enchant and Ophiliac) both had amazing song adaptations of old pieces of literature (like Shalott, or my favorite of EA's songs, Juliet) and those were some of my favorite songs on her CD's. Sadly this CD is basically just the musical from her Asylum book (from what I understand). That's not to say there are not any songs I love off of this album but there are just songs on here that I simply can't stand, which is very hard for me to say since I love almost everything Emilie Autumn has put out and there has been so few EA songs I didn't like before this album came out. In all fairness though Emilie Autumn did tell everyone what kind of CD this was going to be. I do think it was a mistake to release the CD and not have a whole extra part of a live show because it really sounds like a soundtrack to something that could be an amazing play.
Oh and I should say that even though I did not get my CD in the mail yet, the Digipak looks amazing! I do love collecting Emilie Autumn's CD's and even though this is my least favorite of hers it does have some good songs and I don't regret buying it. However if you were expecting that "Harder" stuff I believe EA said (I think I saw someone comment about how she said Fight Like A Girl was going to be harder than Ophiliac if I remember correctly, sadly that was only true for a few like maybe 4 or so out of 17! However it is great to see that this CD has quite a few songs on it), you should download the harder songs on itunes (when it's out on there, you could also visit her website and listen to song samples if you want). However, I really really really recommend seeing her live because I feel like this CD was made for her live show instead of a stereo, and since EA always has amazing live shows, I'm thinking this will be her best one(s) yet!
Favorite Songs (I'm adding more because of how hard I came off on this CD lol)
Fight Like A Girl
Time For Tea
Take The Pill
Goodnight, Sweet Ladies
OK that's about it I might end up making another blog about more CD's I picked up and my thoughts on them. Peace <3
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Addendum to previous blog "A Short Rant on Discrimination..."
So I was thinking of adding to my older blog "A Short Rant on Discrimination Plus a Game Plan for Future Blogs", but as you know I'm obviously kind of lazy lol. So, instead I found this really good video that basically just says what I would have said in my blog.
Here's the video:
That's about it for this blog, don't worry I'll make a decently long one soon! (and I don't think it'll be another chapter "review" of 50 Shades of Grey, unless anyone wants me to read another chapter *shudders* lol)
Here's the video:
That's about it for this blog, don't worry I'll make a decently long one soon! (and I don't think it'll be another chapter "review" of 50 Shades of Grey, unless anyone wants me to read another chapter *shudders* lol)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hello Love - A Poorly Written Review of the Poorly Written First Chapter of Fifty Shades of Grey
I glare with terror at the book in the front of me. What the - did I just write an awkward sentence to post in this blog post? OMG am I'm cursed with the curse of bad writing? What kind of horribleness is this?
OK, I'll stop now, but wow this book is badly written. I was amazed when I read the first chapter of this book and almost died of brain damage, I mean I heard that this book had some bad writing, but I didn't think the writing would be as bad as it is. I honestly don't know if I can write a review of the next chapter, it's been such a chore to read this awkwardly written literature... I should say story shouldn't I? Literature makes it seem like it was professionally written.
Background: To start off, Fifty Shades of Grey is a book written by a woman named E. L. James. This book started off as a Twilight fanfiction, that's your hint that the book is not exactly what you might call impressive. However I hear that there are some fan fiction stories that are actually pretty good, so it isn't really all that fair to judge this book just because it started off as a fan fiction novel.
Also, to be fair, I actually did not mind the first Twilight movie (obviously based off the book, and I know it's blasphemy so put some tar on me and throw feathers this way lol), but that movie just didn't have super irritating characters (yet), they were just bland. So I was thinking, hey there might be a chance that I won't dislike this book. Well, sadly, that is not the case. So far the main reason I don't like this book is not because it is horribly written, but because it was a best seller, turning it into a symbol to how low the intellectual level has fallen. People actually think this is good and decently written! I admit, I'm not the best writer either, but I'm pretty sure I'm a better writer than the author of this book! I guess the difference between E.L. James and I is that I'm not narcissistic and I realize that I should not be writing books (or at least if I ever end up write one I would have someone check them for mistakes over and over again). I mean oh my god, this writer sounds like she is 15 years old and is writing her private romantic fantasy novel about that one guy in her class whom she fantasies about being with. There is nothing publish worthy about this, how did it not get rejected? Did this woman even pass English class? I'm sorry if I'm sounding so harsh but it is amazing to read something published with such badly written sentences, I'm still in shock at what I just read. Didn't E.L. James' writing teacher ever tell her to show not tell?
Anyway moving on to the plot of the first chapter. It starts off with Kate (the protagonist's roommate) having the flu so the protagonist (named Ana) has "been volunteered" to do an interview with a "mega-industrialist tycoon". Kate tells Ana that she is once again her lifesaver, and we realize how the author sees this character, the savior of the story (which I believe will come up later when she tries to "save" her future lover from his "awful" bdsm lifestyle. Which, by the way, is not a lifestyle people need saving from if they are in it >:( but I'll get to that if or when I come to it).
Ana goes to the "headquarters of Mr. Grey’s global enterprise" AKA Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. (Interestingly enough this is the first time Mr. Grey's name is mentioned, we the reader do not know who Mr. Grey is, and all we can assume is that he is who Kate was supposed to interview. But is Mr. Grey the CEO, is he owner of this enterprise and thus not the person Ana is going to interview, or is he both? We do not know because he hasn't really been introduced). Finally she starts interviewing him after meeting two of his blonde receptionists. Finally we get a name, Christian Grey. These two talk and do the interview is done (finally we know that Mr. Grey is both the CEO and the owner of the company, and an interview is "totally" not a lazy way of flushing out the character of Christian). During this interview Christian asks “Are you colleagues on the student paper?” (James, 14), this either makes me think that Christian has a bad time with the English language or that E.L. James or her editor did not look at the story close enough to see a basic mistake. Anyway, back to the story. Christian ends up offering Ana an internship at his company, but she turns him down (at least right now), and she leaves the building and drives home.
Review for this chapter: It was horrible lol, but I do suggest anyone who does not think that a book would be published with such terrible writing go check this out, read a chapter on Amazon. WARNING: You might give yourself a concussion by the time you're done with reading a page of this book, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
Also, I would like to ask why there are so many references to the color grey, Ana's last name is Steele, the love interest is named Mr. Grey, the building where the interview takes place is made of steel, the outfit the secretary has on is black and white (mixed together = grey), Mr. Grey has grey eyes, etc. This author repeats words so much on some instances while I was reading the story I was like "let me guess, you're going to say that the desk is sandstone again", or "OMG I bet I can't guess what color Mr. Grey is wearing is, and what color his eyes are. They are purple right? Totally won't be grey, nope not at all" (sorry, sarcasm is hard to show on a computer).
Quoting Fifty Shades of Grey "Nothing changes" (James, 8), this is the perfect quote to express the extent of repetition in this story. EVERYTHING IS FREAKIN' GREY!!!!! What is the author's obsession with Grey? Is that her favorite color?
Random Works Cited For Fun (yay)!
James, E. L. Fifty Shades of Grey. Waxahachie, TX: Writer's Coffee Shop, 2011. Print.
OK, I'll stop now, but wow this book is badly written. I was amazed when I read the first chapter of this book and almost died of brain damage, I mean I heard that this book had some bad writing, but I didn't think the writing would be as bad as it is. I honestly don't know if I can write a review of the next chapter, it's been such a chore to read this awkwardly written literature... I should say story shouldn't I? Literature makes it seem like it was professionally written.
Background: To start off, Fifty Shades of Grey is a book written by a woman named E. L. James. This book started off as a Twilight fanfiction, that's your hint that the book is not exactly what you might call impressive. However I hear that there are some fan fiction stories that are actually pretty good, so it isn't really all that fair to judge this book just because it started off as a fan fiction novel.
Also, to be fair, I actually did not mind the first Twilight movie (obviously based off the book, and I know it's blasphemy so put some tar on me and throw feathers this way lol), but that movie just didn't have super irritating characters (yet), they were just bland. So I was thinking, hey there might be a chance that I won't dislike this book. Well, sadly, that is not the case. So far the main reason I don't like this book is not because it is horribly written, but because it was a best seller, turning it into a symbol to how low the intellectual level has fallen. People actually think this is good and decently written! I admit, I'm not the best writer either, but I'm pretty sure I'm a better writer than the author of this book! I guess the difference between E.L. James and I is that I'm not narcissistic and I realize that I should not be writing books (or at least if I ever end up write one I would have someone check them for mistakes over and over again). I mean oh my god, this writer sounds like she is 15 years old and is writing her private romantic fantasy novel about that one guy in her class whom she fantasies about being with. There is nothing publish worthy about this, how did it not get rejected? Did this woman even pass English class? I'm sorry if I'm sounding so harsh but it is amazing to read something published with such badly written sentences, I'm still in shock at what I just read. Didn't E.L. James' writing teacher ever tell her to show not tell?
Anyway moving on to the plot of the first chapter. It starts off with Kate (the protagonist's roommate) having the flu so the protagonist (named Ana) has "been volunteered" to do an interview with a "mega-industrialist tycoon". Kate tells Ana that she is once again her lifesaver, and we realize how the author sees this character, the savior of the story (which I believe will come up later when she tries to "save" her future lover from his "awful" bdsm lifestyle. Which, by the way, is not a lifestyle people need saving from if they are in it >:( but I'll get to that if or when I come to it).
Ana goes to the "headquarters of Mr. Grey’s global enterprise" AKA Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. (Interestingly enough this is the first time Mr. Grey's name is mentioned, we the reader do not know who Mr. Grey is, and all we can assume is that he is who Kate was supposed to interview. But is Mr. Grey the CEO, is he owner of this enterprise and thus not the person Ana is going to interview, or is he both? We do not know because he hasn't really been introduced). Finally she starts interviewing him after meeting two of his blonde receptionists. Finally we get a name, Christian Grey. These two talk and do the interview is done (finally we know that Mr. Grey is both the CEO and the owner of the company, and an interview is "totally" not a lazy way of flushing out the character of Christian). During this interview Christian asks “Are you colleagues on the student paper?” (James, 14), this either makes me think that Christian has a bad time with the English language or that E.L. James or her editor did not look at the story close enough to see a basic mistake. Anyway, back to the story. Christian ends up offering Ana an internship at his company, but she turns him down (at least right now), and she leaves the building and drives home.
Review for this chapter: It was horrible lol, but I do suggest anyone who does not think that a book would be published with such terrible writing go check this out, read a chapter on Amazon. WARNING: You might give yourself a concussion by the time you're done with reading a page of this book, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
Also, I would like to ask why there are so many references to the color grey, Ana's last name is Steele, the love interest is named Mr. Grey, the building where the interview takes place is made of steel, the outfit the secretary has on is black and white (mixed together = grey), Mr. Grey has grey eyes, etc. This author repeats words so much on some instances while I was reading the story I was like "let me guess, you're going to say that the desk is sandstone again", or "OMG I bet I can't guess what color Mr. Grey is wearing is, and what color his eyes are. They are purple right? Totally won't be grey, nope not at all" (sorry, sarcasm is hard to show on a computer).
Quoting Fifty Shades of Grey "Nothing changes" (James, 8), this is the perfect quote to express the extent of repetition in this story. EVERYTHING IS FREAKIN' GREY!!!!! What is the author's obsession with Grey? Is that her favorite color?
Random Works Cited For Fun (yay)!
James, E. L. Fifty Shades of Grey. Waxahachie, TX: Writer's Coffee Shop, 2011. Print.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A Short Rant on Discrimination Plus a Game Plan for Future Blogs
Sorry it took so long for a new post, I'm still taking classes (and sadly I'll be taking them all summer, but at least I'll graduate when I'm done with the summer semester lol).
Anyway I was thinking about doing a blog about this topic a while ago but school kind of got in the way, luckily classes haven't been as hectic so now I can do a blog about discrimination.
Since discrimination is a gigantic issue I'm only going to be covering the Goth discrimination against other Goths since, obviously, this is a Gothic blog lol and I do find it pretty sad that some of this stuff is happening.
So, narrowing this type of discrimination down even more, this is the discrimination that (mostly older) Goths do to either younger Goths, or people that are new to Gothic culture.
I don't understand this, I mean we are already discriminated by society so why do some Goths feel like they should discriminate against newer or younger Goths? You would think that people who know how discrimination feels would be less judgmental of others, but yet there are Goths who make fun of, hate on, pick on younger Goths or people newer to Gothic subculture calling them "posers" and the like, and not paying any attention to them.
I personally say if these people want to be called Goths and look Gothy then they should go for it, I'll support them . I mean everybody has different preferences, some people might love the Gothic look but hate Gothic music, some might love Gothic art, and literature but can't stand the look.
Even though I am extremely supportive for anyone who wants to enter into the Gothic subculture, I will easily hate anyone who comes into this subculture as a way to justify their hatred, anger outbursts, depression, and other things such as a way to get attention. These kinds of people are what makes other people afraid or makes them dislike Gothic culture and helps fuel the prejudiced that they have.
Now that that is done, it's time for a "happier" subject. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something to blog about and I could not think of anything, but luckily one of the people I'm subscribed to on youtube made a video about a bestseller book that sounds horrible, so I thought "hey, why read it over the summer and post blogs about each chapter!" So, on the next blog prepare to see an overview of Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One. I'm sorry if I'll be offending anyone by the review, but it does sound pretty bad, poorly written, and anti-BDSM culture :( So I just couldn't resist lol. How does this tie into Gothic culture? Well it ties in loosely (probably very loosely) to Gothic culture by the BDSM part, but who knows maybe some of the characters are Gothic. Oh, and I guess it originally started off as a Twilight Fanfiction novel, yeah that book hardly has anything to do with the Gothic culture too, but it did unite most Goths who all started saying how horrible the author's depictions of Vampires are. I guess this book is kind of like the same but instead of Vampire lovers uniting against Twilight, it's BDSM lovers and supporters against Shades of Grey... but that's just from watching a long video about the book, maybe I'll change my mind when reading it?
Anyway I was thinking about doing a blog about this topic a while ago but school kind of got in the way, luckily classes haven't been as hectic so now I can do a blog about discrimination.
Since discrimination is a gigantic issue I'm only going to be covering the Goth discrimination against other Goths since, obviously, this is a Gothic blog lol and I do find it pretty sad that some of this stuff is happening.
So, narrowing this type of discrimination down even more, this is the discrimination that (mostly older) Goths do to either younger Goths, or people that are new to Gothic culture.
I don't understand this, I mean we are already discriminated by society so why do some Goths feel like they should discriminate against newer or younger Goths? You would think that people who know how discrimination feels would be less judgmental of others, but yet there are Goths who make fun of, hate on, pick on younger Goths or people newer to Gothic subculture calling them "posers" and the like, and not paying any attention to them.
I personally say if these people want to be called Goths and look Gothy then they should go for it, I'll support them . I mean everybody has different preferences, some people might love the Gothic look but hate Gothic music, some might love Gothic art, and literature but can't stand the look.
Even though I am extremely supportive for anyone who wants to enter into the Gothic subculture, I will easily hate anyone who comes into this subculture as a way to justify their hatred, anger outbursts, depression, and other things such as a way to get attention. These kinds of people are what makes other people afraid or makes them dislike Gothic culture and helps fuel the prejudiced that they have.
Now that that is done, it's time for a "happier" subject. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something to blog about and I could not think of anything, but luckily one of the people I'm subscribed to on youtube made a video about a bestseller book that sounds horrible, so I thought "hey, why read it over the summer and post blogs about each chapter!" So, on the next blog prepare to see an overview of Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One. I'm sorry if I'll be offending anyone by the review, but it does sound pretty bad, poorly written, and anti-BDSM culture :( So I just couldn't resist lol. How does this tie into Gothic culture? Well it ties in loosely (probably very loosely) to Gothic culture by the BDSM part, but who knows maybe some of the characters are Gothic. Oh, and I guess it originally started off as a Twilight Fanfiction novel, yeah that book hardly has anything to do with the Gothic culture too, but it did unite most Goths who all started saying how horrible the author's depictions of Vampires are. I guess this book is kind of like the same but instead of Vampire lovers uniting against Twilight, it's BDSM lovers and supporters against Shades of Grey... but that's just from watching a long video about the book, maybe I'll change my mind when reading it?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wait, I'm Alive?
Who knew? Especially since I haven't been on blogger in quite a while lol. I'm sorry to all the blogs I'm following, it's just been a really busy year for me, a pretty interesting one too! Since this is my first blog in a while I might as well just talk about what has happened to me this year, sadly it's not going to have a ton of gothy stuff, but it will have some lol.
1) Possibly the most significant thing that happened to me this year was that I found out that I'm a woman in disguise! Yep, it's kinda like a secret agent thing, but with my body as my disguise, lol jk. But seriously, I am transgender (technically transsexual is the correct term for myself, but I don't like using it because I personally think it's more confusing since it makes it seem more like a sexual orientation thing and being trans doesn't really have anything to do with that except with the labels. Now I get to say that I'm a lesbian or a homoromantic woman instead of a straight man, which actually seems right to me as strange as that sounds). Oh and I actually didn't time this to be a day after the lead singer of Against Me! Came out lol, it's just an awesome coincidence!
I hope this isn't a surprise to anyone, I mean looking back I can totally see myself just being so much more of a girl than a guy, even when I was trying to hide my girlishness lol. It's funny, I think I have to thank either ending up calling myself goth or calling myself asexual to finally be able to call myself trans, even though it still took a month or two on a transgender chatroom (where I met one of my best friends at), as well as a journal, and I ended up taking a class on gender just to make sure (kind of like when I took a philosophy of religion class to make sure I was definitely an atheist). Actually, I wonder what is going to be going through my Psych of Gender teacher's mind when she reads my paper about gender lol. I might talk more about being myself being trans in a future blog but I don't know how many of you would want to read it, I'll probably just put it on my other blog that I'm hopefully going to be updating more frequently.
2) Speaking of other blogs I hardly use this account anymore, it was my backup one for youtube and when I started with school I ended up concentrating on that and forgetting about blogger (the class I really had trouble was 日本語, yep Japanese class. Other than that I got two A's and a B; and I barely got that B since it was a 89%).
Anyway, I lost my main account on youtube because they want me to pay them to give me a new password and log in, which is stupid. I also don't have a credit card so it wouldn't matter even if I wanted to do this. So you would think the smart thing would be to make this account my main one now right? Nope! I made another youtube account, this time for all the trans videos I want to watch and all the ones I want to comment on and stuff, and it kind of turned into my main channel lol. So, if you want a blog that I'm planning on updating more frequently (maybe once a week or once a month), and that won't have Gothic stuff as the main subject (it'll just be about anything i want to talk about, from LGBT issues to gothy stuff, to music, to rants, to whatever). Then you should check out: No posts have been made yet but I'm planning on posting something soon.
3) I ended up watching the first season of "The L Word" online, I think it's pretty good, I wish I lived where the girls did, it seems like a fun place lol. Speaking of this, I ordered the whole series for my birthday (got a few gift cards), and now the tracking number says it was delivered but I never got it. Why is it that the mail man for my neighborhood is the worst one out there? First he delivers tons of mail to the wrong people, and now he says he delivered the series to my house when he didn't. I know because I was here all day! It's possible that this guy delivered the mail to the wrong address but wouldn't he have checked with the person who answered the door to make sure the address was correct before he says "screw it, back to the seller you go"?
4) Well, time to move away from my frustration with the local postal service. This whole trans thing tied into an awesome gothy event! When I finally accepted this and stopped trying to deny myself I got the courage to go see Emilie Autumn live with my dad (he's been in the concert spirit recently). This was possibly the best concert I've seen all year and it was so much fun, Emilie basically made her whole concert into a play and it was so much fun to watch. It was pretty cool, the venue was packed and it seemed like this was where all the goths from my town went, I've never seen so many goths in on place! Sadly, I never really see many goths outside of concerts though.
5) Now that I have probably lost half my readers it's time to move on to my trip to Miami lol. You may think "oh Miami, that's not a very Gothic place," but you would be wrong! It is true that on the outside Miami might look like a nice place with lots of sun and a Goths worst nightmare, but I found a used CD shop that would prove you wrong! This place was mostly awesome, it was kind of dark and it had quite a few great bands like Bauhaus. However it did have outrageous prices which lead me to only buy two CD's: "Mask", and "Burning From The Inside". When I was at the cashier he saw that both of the CD's I was getting were from Bauhaus so he asked me if I knew who Peter Murphy was, of course I said I did, and said that he was the lead singer of Bauhaus and the cashier said that someone had dropped of some stuff that they didn't want and he gave me an autographed Ninth cover, sadly it was just the cover so I still need to get the CD but I was pretty happy about that!
6) The last gothy thing I've done since my last blog was play Lone Survivor. If you like survival horror games you should definitely pick this game up as long as you have a decent computer to run it. This game is like Silent Hill 2 with the music, the monsters, and the setting (mostly in an apartment complex, but you do go outside into a foggy deserted town. This game also messes with your mind if you let it (I think, but only if you take the pills that you find, I never did so I'm not sure lol). It's actually pretty funny, this game is scarier than all of the newer "horror" games being released today.
7) That about wraps it up, I did make a few changes to this site/blog by removing the list of Gothic bands (let's face it, that was a horrible failure on my part lol), and I have to apologize on the blog about Voodoo, I really do enjoy learning about it but I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing a blog about it :( I can say something quick about it though, snakes seem to be gods or god like to people who practice voodoo, which is pretty interesting since in Mythology I learned that snakes are bad in Western mythology but in Eastern mythology they are good.
So there you go, that's about what has happened in the past school year, I'm hoping to make more blogs but I don't know, I'm taking two summer classes this year so I can graduate and be able to move on to the college that I've been wanting to go to (and that has accepted me).
Oh and I've noticed that I've gotten some more followers since I last logged into Blogger, I have to say thanks for following me, I'm sorry you basically got nothing after you started following me but I'm pretty happy you've stayed around <3
1) Possibly the most significant thing that happened to me this year was that I found out that I'm a woman in disguise! Yep, it's kinda like a secret agent thing, but with my body as my disguise, lol jk. But seriously, I am transgender (technically transsexual is the correct term for myself, but I don't like using it because I personally think it's more confusing since it makes it seem more like a sexual orientation thing and being trans doesn't really have anything to do with that except with the labels. Now I get to say that I'm a lesbian or a homoromantic woman instead of a straight man, which actually seems right to me as strange as that sounds). Oh and I actually didn't time this to be a day after the lead singer of Against Me! Came out lol, it's just an awesome coincidence!
I hope this isn't a surprise to anyone, I mean looking back I can totally see myself just being so much more of a girl than a guy, even when I was trying to hide my girlishness lol. It's funny, I think I have to thank either ending up calling myself goth or calling myself asexual to finally be able to call myself trans, even though it still took a month or two on a transgender chatroom (where I met one of my best friends at), as well as a journal, and I ended up taking a class on gender just to make sure (kind of like when I took a philosophy of religion class to make sure I was definitely an atheist). Actually, I wonder what is going to be going through my Psych of Gender teacher's mind when she reads my paper about gender lol. I might talk more about being myself being trans in a future blog but I don't know how many of you would want to read it, I'll probably just put it on my other blog that I'm hopefully going to be updating more frequently.
2) Speaking of other blogs I hardly use this account anymore, it was my backup one for youtube and when I started with school I ended up concentrating on that and forgetting about blogger (the class I really had trouble was 日本語, yep Japanese class. Other than that I got two A's and a B; and I barely got that B since it was a 89%).
Anyway, I lost my main account on youtube because they want me to pay them to give me a new password and log in, which is stupid. I also don't have a credit card so it wouldn't matter even if I wanted to do this. So you would think the smart thing would be to make this account my main one now right? Nope! I made another youtube account, this time for all the trans videos I want to watch and all the ones I want to comment on and stuff, and it kind of turned into my main channel lol. So, if you want a blog that I'm planning on updating more frequently (maybe once a week or once a month), and that won't have Gothic stuff as the main subject (it'll just be about anything i want to talk about, from LGBT issues to gothy stuff, to music, to rants, to whatever). Then you should check out: No posts have been made yet but I'm planning on posting something soon.
3) I ended up watching the first season of "The L Word" online, I think it's pretty good, I wish I lived where the girls did, it seems like a fun place lol. Speaking of this, I ordered the whole series for my birthday (got a few gift cards), and now the tracking number says it was delivered but I never got it. Why is it that the mail man for my neighborhood is the worst one out there? First he delivers tons of mail to the wrong people, and now he says he delivered the series to my house when he didn't. I know because I was here all day! It's possible that this guy delivered the mail to the wrong address but wouldn't he have checked with the person who answered the door to make sure the address was correct before he says "screw it, back to the seller you go"?
4) Well, time to move away from my frustration with the local postal service. This whole trans thing tied into an awesome gothy event! When I finally accepted this and stopped trying to deny myself I got the courage to go see Emilie Autumn live with my dad (he's been in the concert spirit recently). This was possibly the best concert I've seen all year and it was so much fun, Emilie basically made her whole concert into a play and it was so much fun to watch. It was pretty cool, the venue was packed and it seemed like this was where all the goths from my town went, I've never seen so many goths in on place! Sadly, I never really see many goths outside of concerts though.
5) Now that I have probably lost half my readers it's time to move on to my trip to Miami lol. You may think "oh Miami, that's not a very Gothic place," but you would be wrong! It is true that on the outside Miami might look like a nice place with lots of sun and a Goths worst nightmare, but I found a used CD shop that would prove you wrong! This place was mostly awesome, it was kind of dark and it had quite a few great bands like Bauhaus. However it did have outrageous prices which lead me to only buy two CD's: "Mask", and "Burning From The Inside". When I was at the cashier he saw that both of the CD's I was getting were from Bauhaus so he asked me if I knew who Peter Murphy was, of course I said I did, and said that he was the lead singer of Bauhaus and the cashier said that someone had dropped of some stuff that they didn't want and he gave me an autographed Ninth cover, sadly it was just the cover so I still need to get the CD but I was pretty happy about that!
6) The last gothy thing I've done since my last blog was play Lone Survivor. If you like survival horror games you should definitely pick this game up as long as you have a decent computer to run it. This game is like Silent Hill 2 with the music, the monsters, and the setting (mostly in an apartment complex, but you do go outside into a foggy deserted town. This game also messes with your mind if you let it (I think, but only if you take the pills that you find, I never did so I'm not sure lol). It's actually pretty funny, this game is scarier than all of the newer "horror" games being released today.
7) That about wraps it up, I did make a few changes to this site/blog by removing the list of Gothic bands (let's face it, that was a horrible failure on my part lol), and I have to apologize on the blog about Voodoo, I really do enjoy learning about it but I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing a blog about it :( I can say something quick about it though, snakes seem to be gods or god like to people who practice voodoo, which is pretty interesting since in Mythology I learned that snakes are bad in Western mythology but in Eastern mythology they are good.
So there you go, that's about what has happened in the past school year, I'm hoping to make more blogs but I don't know, I'm taking two summer classes this year so I can graduate and be able to move on to the college that I've been wanting to go to (and that has accepted me).
Oh and I've noticed that I've gotten some more followers since I last logged into Blogger, I have to say thanks for following me, I'm sorry you basically got nothing after you started following me but I'm pretty happy you've stayed around <3
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