Ah, a thought just popped into my head!
Let's talk about video games tonight, the video game I want to talk about is called Illbleed, a game that came out on the Dreamcast in 2001 (I think it was the last Dreamcast game to be released in the US). This is one of my favorite video games I own because it's like a b-horror movie that's very creative. In this game you can play 5 different characters each having a better skill, and you are supposed to make it through 6 levels and then the last boss. These 6 levels also have bosses too, but they are actually levels instead of just a big arena. Anyway the game takes place in a horror themed amusement park (sounds like a fun place to be) where the player enters a level by going into a move theater. In these levels there are traps that can hurt you (ok now it doesn't sound like that much fun), frighten you, and even take your money. The player has a health meter, a shock meter, and a bleeding meter and if any of these reach their peak (or zero) then you die (game over man, game over). You can spot the traps that hurt you if you find the horror monitor, which lets helps you avoid damage when encountering these deadly beasts... ok maybe they're mostly just things like deadly doors and phones. I highly suggest you check it out, it's a great game.
There was a sequel or port of this game but in never saw the light of day because the man that created this game died :(
Here's what I'm talking about when I mean this game is like a b-horror movie
Reminder #5: Support the troops even if you don't agree that they should be fighting because they are putting their lives on the line, if you hate that they are fighting take it up with the idiots who sent them over there. Also even if a video game is old it can still be a great game.
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