Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Short Rant on Discrimination Plus a Game Plan for Future Blogs

Sorry it took so long for a new post, I'm still taking classes (and sadly I'll be taking them all summer, but at least I'll graduate when I'm done with the summer semester lol).

Anyway I was thinking about doing a blog about this topic a while ago but school kind of got in the way, luckily classes haven't been as hectic so now I can do a blog about discrimination.

Since discrimination is a gigantic issue I'm only going to be covering the Goth discrimination against other Goths since, obviously, this is a Gothic blog lol and I do find it pretty sad that some of this stuff is happening.

So, narrowing this type of discrimination down even more, this is the discrimination that (mostly older) Goths do to either younger Goths, or people that are new to Gothic culture.

 I don't understand this, I mean we are already discriminated by society so why do some Goths feel like they should discriminate against newer or younger Goths? You would think that people who know how discrimination feels would be less judgmental of others, but yet there are Goths who make fun of, hate on, pick on younger Goths or people newer to Gothic subculture calling them "posers" and the like, and not paying any attention to them.

I personally say if these people want to be called Goths and look Gothy then they should go for it, I'll support them . I mean everybody has different preferences, some people might love the Gothic look but hate Gothic music, some might love Gothic art, and literature but can't stand the look.

Even though I am extremely supportive for anyone who wants to enter into the Gothic subculture, I will easily hate anyone who comes into this subculture as a way to justify their hatred, anger outbursts, depression, and other things such as a way to get attention. These kinds of people are what makes other people afraid or makes them dislike Gothic culture and helps fuel the prejudiced that they have.

Now that that is done, it's time for a "happier" subject. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something to blog about and I could not think of anything, but luckily one of the people I'm subscribed to on youtube made a video about a bestseller book that sounds horrible, so I thought "hey, why read it over the summer and post blogs about each chapter!" So, on the next blog prepare to see an overview of Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One. I'm sorry if I'll be offending anyone by the review, but it does sound pretty bad, poorly written, and anti-BDSM culture :( So I just couldn't resist lol. How does this tie into Gothic culture? Well it ties in loosely (probably very loosely) to Gothic culture by the BDSM part, but who knows maybe some of the characters are Gothic. Oh, and I guess it originally started off as a Twilight Fanfiction novel, yeah that book hardly has anything to do with the Gothic culture too, but it did unite most Goths who all started saying how horrible the author's depictions of Vampires are. I guess this book is kind of like the same but instead of Vampire lovers uniting against Twilight, it's BDSM lovers and supporters against Shades of Grey... but that's just from watching a long video about the book, maybe I'll change my mind when reading it?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wait, I'm Alive?

Who knew? Especially since I haven't been on blogger in quite a while lol. I'm sorry to all the blogs I'm following, it's just been a really busy year for me, a pretty interesting one too! Since this is my first blog in a while I might as well just talk about what has happened to me this year, sadly it's not going to have a ton of gothy stuff, but it will have some lol.

1) Possibly the most significant thing that happened to me this year was that I found out that I'm a woman in disguise! Yep, it's kinda like a secret agent thing, but with my body as my disguise, lol jk. But seriously, I am transgender (technically transsexual is the correct term for myself, but I don't like using it because I personally think it's more confusing since it makes it seem more like a sexual orientation thing and being trans doesn't really have anything to do with that except with the labels. Now I get to say that I'm a lesbian or a homoromantic woman instead of a straight man, which actually seems right to me as strange as that sounds). Oh and I actually didn't time this to be a day after the lead singer of Against Me! Came out lol, it's just an awesome coincidence!

I hope this isn't a surprise to anyone, I mean looking back I can totally see myself just being so much more of a girl than a guy, even when I was trying to hide my girlishness lol. It's funny, I think I have to thank either ending up calling myself goth or calling myself asexual to finally be able to call myself trans, even though it still took a month or two on a transgender chatroom (where I met one of my best friends at), as well as a journal, and I ended up taking a class on gender just to make sure (kind of like when I took a philosophy of religion class to make sure I was definitely an atheist). Actually, I wonder what is going to be going through my Psych of Gender teacher's mind when she reads my paper about gender lol. I might talk more about being myself being trans in a future blog but I don't know how many of you would want to read it, I'll probably just put it on my other blog that I'm hopefully going to be updating more frequently.

2) Speaking of other blogs I hardly use this account anymore, it was my backup one for youtube and when I started with school I ended up concentrating on that and forgetting about blogger (the class I really had trouble was 日本語, yep Japanese class. Other than that I got two A's and a B; and I barely got that B since it was a 89%).

Anyway, I lost my main account on youtube because they want me to pay them to give me a new password and log in, which is stupid. I also don't have a credit card so it wouldn't matter even if I wanted to do this. So you would think the smart thing would be to make this account my main one now right? Nope! I made another youtube account, this time for all the trans videos I want to watch and all the ones I want to comment on and stuff, and it kind of turned into my main channel lol. So, if you want a blog that I'm planning on updating more frequently (maybe once a week or once a month), and that won't have Gothic stuff as the main subject (it'll just be about anything i want to talk about, from LGBT issues to gothy stuff, to music, to rants, to whatever). Then you should check out: No posts have been made yet but I'm planning on posting something soon.

3) I ended up watching the first season of "The L Word" online, I think it's pretty good, I wish I lived where the girls did, it seems like a fun place lol. Speaking of this, I ordered the whole series for my birthday (got a few gift cards), and now the tracking number says it was delivered but I never got it. Why is it that the mail man for my neighborhood is the worst one out there? First he delivers tons of mail to the wrong people, and now he says he delivered the series to my house when he didn't. I know because I was here all day! It's possible that this guy delivered the mail to the wrong address but wouldn't he have checked with the person who answered the door to make sure the address was correct before he says "screw it, back to the seller you go"?

4) Well, time to move away from my frustration with the local postal service. This whole trans thing tied into an awesome gothy event! When I finally accepted this and stopped trying to deny myself I got the courage to go see Emilie Autumn live with my dad (he's been in the concert spirit recently). This was possibly the best concert I've seen all year and it was so much fun, Emilie basically made her whole concert into a play and it was so much fun to watch. It was pretty cool, the venue was packed and it seemed like this was where all the goths from my town went, I've never seen so many goths in on place! Sadly, I never really see many goths outside of concerts though.

5) Now that I have probably lost half my readers it's time to move on to my trip to Miami lol. You may think "oh Miami, that's not a very Gothic place," but you would be wrong! It is true that on the outside Miami might look like a nice place with lots of sun and a Goths worst nightmare, but I found a used CD shop that would prove you wrong! This place was mostly awesome, it was kind of dark and it had quite a few great bands like Bauhaus. However it did have outrageous prices which lead me to only buy two CD's: "Mask", and "Burning From The Inside". When I was at the cashier he saw that both of the CD's I was getting were from Bauhaus so he asked me if I knew who Peter Murphy was, of course I said I did, and said that he was the lead singer of Bauhaus and the cashier said that someone had dropped of some stuff that they didn't want and he gave me an autographed Ninth cover, sadly it was just the cover so I still need to get the CD but I was pretty happy about that!

6) The last gothy thing I've done since my last blog was play Lone Survivor. If you like survival horror games you should definitely pick this game up as long as you have a decent computer to run it. This game is like Silent Hill 2 with the music, the monsters, and the setting (mostly in an apartment complex, but you do go outside into a foggy deserted town. This game also messes with your mind if you let it (I think, but only if you take the pills that you find, I never did so I'm not sure lol). It's actually pretty funny, this game is scarier than all of the newer "horror" games being released today.

7) That about wraps it up, I did make a few changes to this site/blog by removing the list of Gothic bands (let's face it, that was a horrible failure on my part lol), and I have to apologize on the blog about Voodoo, I really do enjoy learning about it but I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing a blog about it :( I can say something quick about it though, snakes seem to be gods or god like to people who practice voodoo, which is pretty interesting since in Mythology I learned that snakes are bad in Western mythology but in Eastern mythology they are good.

So there you go, that's about what has happened in the past school year, I'm hoping to make more blogs but I don't know, I'm taking two summer classes this year so I can graduate and be able to move on to the college that I've been wanting to go to (and that has accepted me).

Oh and I've noticed that I've gotten some more followers since I last logged into Blogger, I have to say thanks for following me, I'm sorry you basically got nothing after you started following me but I'm pretty happy you've stayed around <3