Here's just a short blog about some bands that I have found in 2011 that I really enjoy listening to. I got this idea from Tenebris In Lux
So without any more of an introduction here are a few bands that I have found and enjoyed this year. Oh and there won't be anything from previous blogs on here.
1. The Creepshow (A Horror Punk, Psychobilly band that I really recently discovered a few days ago and they are also one of the rare bands that I love almost every song they've made). The song that is being linked is their cover of The Misfit's 'Halloween'.
2. Siouxsie & the Banshees (A punk rock, gothic rock band that I never thought I would like. I listened to one of their songs about a year ago and didn't like it but then ;Kiss Them for Me' came on when I was listening to pandora and I ended up liking this band. Oh and as a sidenote I was listening to their song 'Spellbound' a couple days ago when I was really tired and I ended up tripping out somehow lol). The song I linked is their song 'Arabian Knights'. This is a little off topic but doesn't Siouxsie look beautiful in this video?
3. The March Violets (A Gothic Rock band.. This band formed in the 80's but ended up disbanding in 87. Good news though, they reformed in 2010 with all of the original members, and they're putting out new songs too!) The song that is being linked is their song 'Electric Shades' which I believe is only available on their record of the same title, and that is only on vinyl or cassette.
4. Amanda Palmer (An Alternative Rock, Punk Cabaret band that I found out about when I was looking for bands similar to Emile Autumn). The song that is linked is entitled 'Astronaut'.
5. The Velvet Undeground (A rock group formed back in the 60's. I listened to their song Heroin and couldn't help but be amazed, I think this might be one of the first songs that I think is perfect musically). Yes, the song I linked you to was their song 'Heroin'.
6. Ashbury Heights (A synthpop, electric band that broke up in 2010. I found this band to be really good, first song I heard by them was Spiders which I got introduced to from the blog The Ultimate Goth Guide . I looked on and for some reason their "Three Cheers For The Newly Deads" is well over $100!!!! Luckily there is a website that caters to people who love this type of music and sells CD's like this for reasonable prices, There's also too if you don't mind getting used CD's ). The song I am linking is called 'Christ'.
7. Blitzkid (A Horror Punk band. One of my friends recommended this band to me and I ended up really liking them. They also do a song calls 'As the rope Bridge Sways' that has to be one of the best slow punk songs I have ever heard). The song that is linked is called 'Let's Go to the Cemetery'.
There are many more bands that I could include on this list, however, I do not want to bombard you guys with links so those bands will have to wait for a part 2 or 3.
Just a blog on the internet that talks about different things such as cyber and gothic cluture as well as movies, music, video games, religion, and other things.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
An unprofessional review about the movie Super 8
Sorry I haven't made a blog in a little while, I've been too busy watching TV... OK not really I've just been really lazy and tired the past few days but hopefully that will change sometime soon.
Moving on. This review will be an unprofessional trying to be professional meaning that I will critically look at the film but by no means do I classify myself as a professional movie critic (although some movie critics are
pretty bad). Also, this "review" will have some spoilers in it.
Here's a little background information about Super 8 before I start the "review": Super 8 is about 8 friends who love to make movies, they are trying to make a movie at a train station when the director of their film sees that there is actually a train coming toward them. This is perfect, he thinks and he tells everyone to get ready and that they will film the scene when the train is passing by. Seems innocent enough right? Well for some reason a car gets on the train tracks and crashes head on into the train derailing the train and everything goes to hell. It turns out that there is an alien as cargo and it is let loose because of this crash. The army then comes to the town and looks for the creature. The kids and the main characters dad try to figure out what is going on in their town. Here's the trailer if you want to either know more or want a better explanation.
I saw the movie Super 8 on the weekend and didn't really think much of it, I mean it was an ok movie but I didn't really see anything great in it (besides the acting). However after I saw it I was bored and check out the reviews and to my surprise it got pretty good reviews from film critics. Now I'm not a film critic but I do have to say that I don't know why the critics gave it such high marks, I mean even Roger Ebert (my least favorite film critic on the planet but someone who people respect for some reason) gave it 3 and a half stars (and yet he only gave kick ass 1...).
Why exactly did this film get such high marks? Well one of the main reasons I believe is the aspect of nostalgia, now I wasn't alive in the 80s (ok fine, technically it's 1979 but close enough) so there was no nostalgic factor for me in the movie which might be why I don't care that much for when the film was set (although I do have to say it is cool how they did that). I did go see this with my parents though, and my mom pointed out that they messed up on some parts, such as saying that the 7 eleven they have there is modern. I'd like to say that this is true but I cannot because I wasn't around in that time and I could not see any old photos of a 7-Eleven unless they're too old.
Another thing could have been the way that the alien was reviled (it was actually pretty cool how the did this. The alien was in many early parts of the movie however the audience never got to see the creature until close to the end of the movie) although I think it might have been better if you never saw the creature or if you only saw parts of it like a leg, foot, hand, and/or arm. Maybe the acting also helped it get high marks? That could be true because the acting was pretty good, however the problem with this is that a movie could have great acting but that doesn't make it a good movie.
However there are quite a few major flaws in the movie. One of them was that the main character (Joe) notices that his dog is gone right away, but for some reason it takes him a day or two to realize that his dad has been kidnapped? How is this even supposed to work, he sees his dad every night so he should know that his dad
And speaking of the dog, the film does not show any dog ever again after the police find out where the dogs are. So did they get the dogs or did they just leave them in the town the dogs were in?
Another part I don't like is close to the end of the film when there's some symbolism, which I think is great, however the way that this symbolism is portrayed was a huge flaw. The part of the film I am talking about is when the necklace that Joe has is getting pulled to help make the aliens space craft and in the end Joe let's go of the necklace. The symbolism here is pretty good, it's showing that Joe is finally letting go of the past, however there is a major flaw here. The space craft has a gigantic magnetic pull, you see it pulling soldiers equipped with guns up from the ground, however Joe doesn't get pulled up, nor does his necklace break in half or go right through his hand due to the magnetism. This part of the movie could have easily been done if the director wasn't super happy about magnifying things.
The town where the movie takes place also gets set on fire (well the grass close to the town does, and that is why they evacuate the town) however the fire seemed to die down when the kids go back to their school to get information about the alien they are up against. I have no idea why the fire died down because I thought the point of the fire was to draw out the alien, not to evacuate the town. Maybe I was just missing something.
Another major major major flaw was that at one point Joe's love interest (Alice) was tied up and hanging from the ceiling. Joe gets her down but her feet are still bound together, not to worry though because there is a random person who doesn't have her feet tied? That just woke up and the camera goes to her, then back on Alice who suddenly does not have her feet tied anymore but Joe didn't cut the weird black cocoon thing that was binding her legs? Maybe the ghost did it! There's also an appearance of the police chief who was seen hanging from the ceiling but is suddenly on the ground without bound feet. Wow this ghost surely works hard! Yeah, this is just a huge flaw of the movie.
There might be some other major flaws I'm missing but I cannot remember any more right now. So besides those there are a few minor flaws (tanks that suddenly shoot rapid fire even though they can only have 1 shell at a time and have to be manually reloaded), a few things don't get explained, a guy magically survives a head on car crash with a train but the train is totaled. Explosives being carried on a train with cargo that seems too valuable to be in a train with explosives, the commanding officer knowing that people saw the accident and seeming like he will do something about looking for them but hardly does anything about it, the alien being too tall to actually be in one of the cargo holds on the train, ect.
In closing this is a decent movie, but if you look though it in the eyes of a movie critic it might not be that great. However, assuming none of you are movie critics or really care about analyzing movies (I think I'm the only one I know who does that, and I only do it sometimes like when critics say a movie is good. That is one of the reasons I like Black Swan so much, but it's not the time to talk about that movie), I think that it's at least worth a watch.
Also as a nice little side note I got a new follower :) Shout out to Incensis. I hope you will enjoy the future blogs.
Reminder for this blog: There's a difference between looking at a movie like a normal person and looking at one like a film critic, you can enjoy a movie a lot but that doesn't mean that the film is good from a critical view.
Moving on. This review will be an unprofessional trying to be professional meaning that I will critically look at the film but by no means do I classify myself as a professional movie critic (although some movie critics are
pretty bad). Also, this "review" will have some spoilers in it.
Here's a little background information about Super 8 before I start the "review": Super 8 is about 8 friends who love to make movies, they are trying to make a movie at a train station when the director of their film sees that there is actually a train coming toward them. This is perfect, he thinks and he tells everyone to get ready and that they will film the scene when the train is passing by. Seems innocent enough right? Well for some reason a car gets on the train tracks and crashes head on into the train derailing the train and everything goes to hell. It turns out that there is an alien as cargo and it is let loose because of this crash. The army then comes to the town and looks for the creature. The kids and the main characters dad try to figure out what is going on in their town. Here's the trailer if you want to either know more or want a better explanation.
I saw the movie Super 8 on the weekend and didn't really think much of it, I mean it was an ok movie but I didn't really see anything great in it (besides the acting). However after I saw it I was bored and check out the reviews and to my surprise it got pretty good reviews from film critics. Now I'm not a film critic but I do have to say that I don't know why the critics gave it such high marks, I mean even Roger Ebert (my least favorite film critic on the planet but someone who people respect for some reason) gave it 3 and a half stars (and yet he only gave kick ass 1...).
Why exactly did this film get such high marks? Well one of the main reasons I believe is the aspect of nostalgia, now I wasn't alive in the 80s (ok fine, technically it's 1979 but close enough) so there was no nostalgic factor for me in the movie which might be why I don't care that much for when the film was set (although I do have to say it is cool how they did that). I did go see this with my parents though, and my mom pointed out that they messed up on some parts, such as saying that the 7 eleven they have there is modern. I'd like to say that this is true but I cannot because I wasn't around in that time and I could not see any old photos of a 7-Eleven unless they're too old.
Another thing could have been the way that the alien was reviled (it was actually pretty cool how the did this. The alien was in many early parts of the movie however the audience never got to see the creature until close to the end of the movie) although I think it might have been better if you never saw the creature or if you only saw parts of it like a leg, foot, hand, and/or arm. Maybe the acting also helped it get high marks? That could be true because the acting was pretty good, however the problem with this is that a movie could have great acting but that doesn't make it a good movie.
However there are quite a few major flaws in the movie. One of them was that the main character (Joe) notices that his dog is gone right away, but for some reason it takes him a day or two to realize that his dad has been kidnapped? How is this even supposed to work, he sees his dad every night so he should know that his dad
And speaking of the dog, the film does not show any dog ever again after the police find out where the dogs are. So did they get the dogs or did they just leave them in the town the dogs were in?
Another part I don't like is close to the end of the film when there's some symbolism, which I think is great, however the way that this symbolism is portrayed was a huge flaw. The part of the film I am talking about is when the necklace that Joe has is getting pulled to help make the aliens space craft and in the end Joe let's go of the necklace. The symbolism here is pretty good, it's showing that Joe is finally letting go of the past, however there is a major flaw here. The space craft has a gigantic magnetic pull, you see it pulling soldiers equipped with guns up from the ground, however Joe doesn't get pulled up, nor does his necklace break in half or go right through his hand due to the magnetism. This part of the movie could have easily been done if the director wasn't super happy about magnifying things.
The town where the movie takes place also gets set on fire (well the grass close to the town does, and that is why they evacuate the town) however the fire seemed to die down when the kids go back to their school to get information about the alien they are up against. I have no idea why the fire died down because I thought the point of the fire was to draw out the alien, not to evacuate the town. Maybe I was just missing something.
Another major major major flaw was that at one point Joe's love interest (Alice) was tied up and hanging from the ceiling. Joe gets her down but her feet are still bound together, not to worry though because there is a random person who doesn't have her feet tied? That just woke up and the camera goes to her, then back on Alice who suddenly does not have her feet tied anymore but Joe didn't cut the weird black cocoon thing that was binding her legs? Maybe the ghost did it! There's also an appearance of the police chief who was seen hanging from the ceiling but is suddenly on the ground without bound feet. Wow this ghost surely works hard! Yeah, this is just a huge flaw of the movie.
There might be some other major flaws I'm missing but I cannot remember any more right now. So besides those there are a few minor flaws (tanks that suddenly shoot rapid fire even though they can only have 1 shell at a time and have to be manually reloaded), a few things don't get explained, a guy magically survives a head on car crash with a train but the train is totaled. Explosives being carried on a train with cargo that seems too valuable to be in a train with explosives, the commanding officer knowing that people saw the accident and seeming like he will do something about looking for them but hardly does anything about it, the alien being too tall to actually be in one of the cargo holds on the train, ect.
In closing this is a decent movie, but if you look though it in the eyes of a movie critic it might not be that great. However, assuming none of you are movie critics or really care about analyzing movies (I think I'm the only one I know who does that, and I only do it sometimes like when critics say a movie is good. That is one of the reasons I like Black Swan so much, but it's not the time to talk about that movie), I think that it's at least worth a watch.
Also as a nice little side note I got a new follower :) Shout out to Incensis. I hope you will enjoy the future blogs.
Reminder for this blog: There's a difference between looking at a movie like a normal person and looking at one like a film critic, you can enjoy a movie a lot but that doesn't mean that the film is good from a critical view.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
OK, so It's a little different: Asexuality
First off, let me just say that there will be sexual terms in this blog because this topic deals with sex. However it is being used in an educational manner therefore it should not really affect you that much, enjoy the blog. I also want to warn you that the text may change fonts, I've tried to keep it one font but for some reason when I copied my Microsoft word text it said there were two fonts, so sorry about that. Well here we go (I guess it didn't take me as long as I thought, I guess that's good news).
Sexually oblivious rhino strikes again
What exactly does it mean to be asexual? Well according to Wikipedia it is a mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only. However I am not going to talk about that kind of asexuality and instead I’m going to talk about the human asexual orientation. Asexual in this context means a lack of sexual attraction and the lack of interest in or desire for sex.
Simple and easy right? Well not quite as there are many different subtypes of asexuals or similar orientations to that of asexuals:
1. 1. Aromantic asexual: These are the people who don’t want a relationship nor do they want sex.
2. 2. Demisexual: These are the people who do not have sexual attraction until they grow very close to a person.
3. 3. Gray-A: These people either have low sexual attraction, don’t experience sexual attraction that much, don’t have a desire to act out on their sexual attraction, or people who only like or want sex under certain circumstances.
4. 4. Bi/hetero/homo/pan romantic asexual: These are the people who are romantically attracted to others but do not desire sex.
Things you may not know:
+ Asexuals can find people attractive (not in a sexual way but an aesthetic way. It’s a way of seeing that someone is beautiful and instead of wanting to have sex with them they may want to go out with them and get to know them).
+ Asexuals can have sex and may enjoy it, even though some asexuals think that sex is disgusting.
+ Some asexuals enjoy pleasing their partner with sex and such, even if they do not have a desire to have sex themselves.
+ Some asexuals masturbate and watch porn
+ BDSM seems somewhat popular with asexuals (most likely because it’s more about psychology than sex).
+ Some asexuals can be sexual arousal
+ Many asexuals are sex-positive (pro sex), however some of them are antisexual (againt sex)
+ Some asexuals can joke about sex like everyone else. However other asexuals don’t seem to get sex jokes and thus the humor is lost on them.
+ Some asexuals are oblivious to flirting and some aren’t
(+) I think that you can still be asexual but interested in researching sex, just as long as you don’t have a desire for it. In this context the researching about sex is more like researching about mythology and the like since it’s something you don’t really care to do [like worshipping Zeus] and it can also be psychological such as why some people like certain things. This is kind of like me, I like reading about this kind of thing because it helps me get a better understanding of different people, and their kink/fetish however I don’t really imagine doing most of the research I look up.
So what am I? Well I’m pretty sure I’m a heteroromantic asexual (At least people on AVEN thought so, and it does kind of make sense. I could also be demisexual but I’ll have to get a girlfriend to find out, and since I am very particular in personality to want to go out with a woman that might be a while lol I’m also pretty oblivious to flirting lol). But why would you care to know :P
If this topic interests you here are some websites to check out.
So there you go hopefully that's talked about major points, if you have anything you want to add feel free to do so in the comments, or if you want me to go deeper into asexuality, or if there's something more you wanted me to discuss, just say so in the comments and I'll make a blog about it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A quick blog about the night
So I ended up failing at my goal to do a blog a day, well hopefully that won't happen again but who knows.
Night. The time where shops close down and most people go to sleep. Many of these people also prefer the day instead of night. Well not me. I love the night, as do many other people. Why do I love the night you ask? Well I love how peaceful night is. The typical thought of night is being scary and that it's the time where criminals roam the streets looking for their next victim, well that's not what happens where I live. At night almost nobody is out wondering the streets. This making it nice and peaceful, not many cars running, not many people out and about talking or running, the only noise is the relaxing chirp of the crickets.
It is also a beautiful sight to see the moon peer down from the clouds casting light among the darkness that is covering the town.
Night is also the time where some great events take place from going to a night club, to going to an amazing concert nighttime is a time for fun and relaxation, it's the best time of the day.
That's the blog, writing at 3AM is a little hard to do so hopefully I got everything looking OK and I got all my thoughts about what I think of night (I'm probably missing some stuff right now but whatever lol). The next blog will be the one people seem to be waiting for, the asexuality blog. It may take a few days to write though (I really want to get everything right as well as getting the most information I can get) so I'm going to be cross referencing and writing the blog in microsoft word so I can save it and work on it multiple days.
Night. The time where shops close down and most people go to sleep. Many of these people also prefer the day instead of night. Well not me. I love the night, as do many other people. Why do I love the night you ask? Well I love how peaceful night is. The typical thought of night is being scary and that it's the time where criminals roam the streets looking for their next victim, well that's not what happens where I live. At night almost nobody is out wondering the streets. This making it nice and peaceful, not many cars running, not many people out and about talking or running, the only noise is the relaxing chirp of the crickets.
It is also a beautiful sight to see the moon peer down from the clouds casting light among the darkness that is covering the town.
Night is also the time where some great events take place from going to a night club, to going to an amazing concert nighttime is a time for fun and relaxation, it's the best time of the day.
That's the blog, writing at 3AM is a little hard to do so hopefully I got everything looking OK and I got all my thoughts about what I think of night (I'm probably missing some stuff right now but whatever lol). The next blog will be the one people seem to be waiting for, the asexuality blog. It may take a few days to write though (I really want to get everything right as well as getting the most information I can get) so I'm going to be cross referencing and writing the blog in microsoft word so I can save it and work on it multiple days.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Music Pickup # 4: Fat of the Land,First And Last And Always, Headhunter 2000, Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse, Wishfire
In my previous blog I talked about getting a few CD's on vacation, and here they are.
Fat of the Land - The Prodigy
I went to FYE when I was on vacation (I don't have one close to where I live) and ended up finding a few CD's that I wanted, this was one of them. Fat of the Land came out in 1997 and was the CD that really got the Prodigy into the mainstream (everyone I know has heard at least one of their songs and the songs they have heard are on this CD, either Firestarter, Breathe, or Smack My Bitch Up), and the CD has gone double platinum in the US. This band has been around since 1990 and are considered to be one of the pioneers of the music genre Big Beat which is music typically driven by heavy breakbeats and synthesizer-generated loops and patterns in common with established forms of electronic dance music such as techno and acid house. (yep got that whole thing from wikipedia).
Anyway, you can see it's a promotional copy that's not supposed to be sold, I guess FYE didn't care so I ended up paying 4 bucks for this CD. It's basically the original CD but with a special sticker, branded case, and gold lettering. It's actually my 2nd promotional CD I have but it's definitely the best.
First And Last And Always - The Sisters of Mercy
This is a CD I got from a different used CD store that was pretty cool, it was really small but packed full of CD's and records. Anyway this was the first album by The Sisters of Mercy, however it was not their first recording, it was actually around the 4th record that they made (the first 3 all being EP's with amazing artwork). First And Last And Always was released in 1985 and was pretty successful in Europe but sadly not the United States. This CD has also helped shape the Gothic Rock music genre even though the lead singer of The Sisters of Mercy refuses to acknowledged that their music is Gothic. Also, talking about The Sisters of Mercy, they started way back in 1979 and are still around today (with different members other than the lead singer).
Anyway i found this CD to be a lot better than I originally thought (I heard a few tracks but I only really liked Marian and Black Planet at first). Which is great for me but not for this blog since it's going to be hard to pick my favorite songs on this CD lol.
Headhunter 2000 - Front 242 (original song, but it's mostly made by many different bands that remixed Front 242's Headhunter song)
This CD is a pretty long CD (1 hour and 45ish minutes) and it's just remixes of their song Front 242 so there's not much to talk about except that Headhunter 2000 was released in 1999. Front 242 started in 1981 and are still together today . This band also influenced many electro-industrial and electronic artists.
I found this CD to be OK, it's a good remix CD but I wish it had more than 1 song that was remixed 17 times.
Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse - Skinny Puppy
Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse was the second album that Skinny Puppy released in 1986. This CD was very influential in industrial music which influenced bands like Nine Inch Nails. An interesting fact about the cover, it was actually a picture of a scene in a porno movie and it seems to be one of the main reasons that there are parental advisory stickers on CD's today. Thanks to Tripper Gore (I wonder what would happen if she saw the Voodoo U album cover art?). Anyway Skinny Puppy started in 1982 and are still around today. They is considered to be the founders of electro-industrial music which is pretty cool since I love this type of music.
I find that it takes a little while to get used to Skinny Puppy since the vocals sound so weird, however when I did get used to the music I found it to be pretty good.
Wishfire - The Crüxshadows
Finally, the last CD I got on vacation. Wishfire was released in 2002 and it has quite a few goods songs. The Crüxshadows were founded in 1992 and are still around today. They are a dark electro band.
I found this CD to be pretty great, I found out about this band from the first blog I ever followed The Ultimate Goth Guide which I find interesting to read most of the time. The funny thing is that the girl who writes the blogs, Amy, just wrote a blog about this band recently.
I'm finally done, so let's get to the music links.
Fat of the Land
Funky Shit
First and Last And Always
Every track.... OK fine I'll pick 3.
Marian (Version)
No Time To Cry
Nine While Nine (it has some of the exact same lyrics as Driven Like Snow but it's still great)
Headhunter 2000
Headhunter (Remixed by Front Line Assembly)
Headhunter (Remixed by Apoptygma Berzerk)
Headhunter (Remixed by Talla 2xlc)
Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse
It's hard to choose because it has quite a few really good songs but I went with these three.
Stairs and Flowers
Dig It
Another one that was hard to pick what 3 songs I was going to put up, so I decided to have 4 different ones because one of the songs is very short (1:51)
Return (I'm Coming Home)
Those are the newest CD's I have right now (I'll probably pick some more up on the weekend since I'm going to be visiting a 4 year college at that time so I'll hopefully be walking around town too).
I went to FYE when I was on vacation (I don't have one close to where I live) and ended up finding a few CD's that I wanted, this was one of them. Fat of the Land came out in 1997 and was the CD that really got the Prodigy into the mainstream (everyone I know has heard at least one of their songs and the songs they have heard are on this CD, either Firestarter, Breathe, or Smack My Bitch Up), and the CD has gone double platinum in the US. This band has been around since 1990 and are considered to be one of the pioneers of the music genre Big Beat which is music typically driven by heavy breakbeats and synthesizer-generated loops and patterns in common with established forms of electronic dance music such as techno and acid house. (yep got that whole thing from wikipedia).
Anyway, you can see it's a promotional copy that's not supposed to be sold, I guess FYE didn't care so I ended up paying 4 bucks for this CD. It's basically the original CD but with a special sticker, branded case, and gold lettering. It's actually my 2nd promotional CD I have but it's definitely the best.
This is a CD I got from a different used CD store that was pretty cool, it was really small but packed full of CD's and records. Anyway this was the first album by The Sisters of Mercy, however it was not their first recording, it was actually around the 4th record that they made (the first 3 all being EP's with amazing artwork). First And Last And Always was released in 1985 and was pretty successful in Europe but sadly not the United States. This CD has also helped shape the Gothic Rock music genre even though the lead singer of The Sisters of Mercy refuses to acknowledged that their music is Gothic. Also, talking about The Sisters of Mercy, they started way back in 1979 and are still around today (with different members other than the lead singer).
Anyway i found this CD to be a lot better than I originally thought (I heard a few tracks but I only really liked Marian and Black Planet at first). Which is great for me but not for this blog since it's going to be hard to pick my favorite songs on this CD lol.
This CD is a pretty long CD (1 hour and 45ish minutes) and it's just remixes of their song Front 242 so there's not much to talk about except that Headhunter 2000 was released in 1999. Front 242 started in 1981 and are still together today . This band also influenced many electro-industrial and electronic artists.
I found this CD to be OK, it's a good remix CD but I wish it had more than 1 song that was remixed 17 times.
Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse was the second album that Skinny Puppy released in 1986. This CD was very influential in industrial music which influenced bands like Nine Inch Nails. An interesting fact about the cover, it was actually a picture of a scene in a porno movie and it seems to be one of the main reasons that there are parental advisory stickers on CD's today. Thanks to Tripper Gore (I wonder what would happen if she saw the Voodoo U album cover art?). Anyway Skinny Puppy started in 1982 and are still around today. They is considered to be the founders of electro-industrial music which is pretty cool since I love this type of music.
I find that it takes a little while to get used to Skinny Puppy since the vocals sound so weird, however when I did get used to the music I found it to be pretty good.
Finally, the last CD I got on vacation. Wishfire was released in 2002 and it has quite a few goods songs. The Crüxshadows were founded in 1992 and are still around today. They are a dark electro band.
I found this CD to be pretty great, I found out about this band from the first blog I ever followed The Ultimate Goth Guide which I find interesting to read most of the time. The funny thing is that the girl who writes the blogs, Amy, just wrote a blog about this band recently.
I'm finally done, so let's get to the music links.
Fat of the Land
Funky Shit
First and Last And Always
Every track.... OK fine I'll pick 3.
Marian (Version)
No Time To Cry
Nine While Nine (it has some of the exact same lyrics as Driven Like Snow but it's still great)
Headhunter 2000
Headhunter (Remixed by Front Line Assembly)
Headhunter (Remixed by Apoptygma Berzerk)
Headhunter (Remixed by Talla 2xlc)
Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse
It's hard to choose because it has quite a few really good songs but I went with these three.
Stairs and Flowers
Dig It
Another one that was hard to pick what 3 songs I was going to put up, so I decided to have 4 different ones because one of the songs is very short (1:51)
Return (I'm Coming Home)
Those are the newest CD's I have right now (I'll probably pick some more up on the weekend since I'm going to be visiting a 4 year college at that time so I'll hopefully be walking around town too).
Monday, July 18, 2011
I'm Back!
So finally after being back for a week or so I decided to make a blog!
I'm going to blame my lack of blogging on 'Lazy Summer Syndom' lol. Which I say is just being really lazy during the summer not wanting to really do anything. However that being said I did manage to join a few websites when I got back one of them was which seems like a nice site, here's my profile if you care lol. Uh oh, now you might know some of the other name I go by online :shock: ... that probably didn't show a smiley face emotion thing. The other websites were ones about sex lol, one of them isn't too bad AVEN (it's just a site about asexuality which is a topic that I am thinking about doing in a later blog along with some other things relating to sex but are odd to most "normal" people), but one is a little iffy which I won't link here :p wow that emoticon looks quite odd. Anyway don't worry that website is not a website that shows adult videos just a website that I wanted to join to learn more about a certain kink I have that I've already talked about before.
Moving on... My vacation was ok, I got to see my Grandmothers which is always nice. I also got to see one of my Uncles, two Cousins, my dad's Cousin and his kids (I feel bad saying this but they seemed cooler than my cousins), and my mom's old high school friend and her family (with another two kids that seemed cool and I wish I had them as my cousins, ugh why are the other people I meet seem so intelligent, nice and respectful unlike the two... well actually I only saw one this summer because my other cousin was going camping during the week my family was there). Anyway I got to explore the small town of Ann Arbor with my family and that was pretty fun I liked going into the used record stores even if I only found 2 of the many CD's I was looking for. Sadly there was one annoying part during the Ann Arbor trip and that was the car show. I find these shows to be one of the most boring things to experience but my brother and father do not and thus I ended up being extremely bored when they were looking at every inch of the cars and saying stuff like "that car has a V6 engine". Can I ask why do you care so much about the engine a car that you are not going to own? I could go on about this but I'll save it for a later blog.
Other than Ann Arbor we pretty much just stayed at my Grandmothers house and sometimes we drove to the grocery store or target. I'm not really sure how long we stayed there (1 - 2 weeks is my guess) because during the summer I tend to loose track of time since I still don't have a job :( And I don't really have anything to do (friends don't have time to hang out). However because this vacation was this long you can bet it was boring not really doing anything (or having internet) for a while. I think the only other really interesting thing we did was go see the fireworks which was ok (better than last year's at least).
When I was away I manged to buy quite a few CD's which I'll talk about in an upcoming blog I found a promotional copy of Fat of the Land by The Prodigy (pretty cool it was so cheap), and I also got First And Last And Always from my new favorite band the Sisters of Mercy along with some others.
That's about it for this blog. I do have a few announcements down below
Firstly here are the things that I'm planning on doing topics on:
+ Asexuality and other things relating to sex (but in an informative way since our society seems to think that teaching kids about sex is wrong which leads to hate due to not being informed about someone's kink or sexuality. I can testify that my high school didn't go into detail about sex besides the usual that goes in there, and you get a baby. I don't even think they ever talked about safe sex!)
+ More CD pickups
+ More Music Time posts (probably at least the industrial and gothic rock genres).
Expanding my pet peeves (or maybe just a list of things I really don't like) since I left off a lot of stuff.
+ Movies
+ Another video game blog (I might also do something about my progression through the tutorial of the rock band 3 keyboard and maybe some rock band 3 songs that I can't seem to do well on with the pro keyboard)
+ Voodoo (I've been wanting to do that topic for a while now but I've been so lazy) along with other lesser known religions
+ Why Do You Care? (Blogs about things people get worked up about and I do not understand why)
+ Random short blog posts (usually so I can put out a blog post once a day. This might be as short as something that I want to do, or something as long as what happened to me that day. This will also be where the parody type blogs will be as well as the dream blogs too and maybe some things that I really like such as the night).
I guess I got a new follower during the time I was gone :) So shout out to Sydneysomething. I hope you'll enjoy my future blogs.
I'm going to blame my lack of blogging on 'Lazy Summer Syndom' lol. Which I say is just being really lazy during the summer not wanting to really do anything. However that being said I did manage to join a few websites when I got back one of them was which seems like a nice site, here's my profile if you care lol. Uh oh, now you might know some of the other name I go by online :shock: ... that probably didn't show a smiley face emotion thing. The other websites were ones about sex lol, one of them isn't too bad AVEN (it's just a site about asexuality which is a topic that I am thinking about doing in a later blog along with some other things relating to sex but are odd to most "normal" people), but one is a little iffy which I won't link here :p wow that emoticon looks quite odd. Anyway don't worry that website is not a website that shows adult videos just a website that I wanted to join to learn more about a certain kink I have that I've already talked about before.
Moving on... My vacation was ok, I got to see my Grandmothers which is always nice. I also got to see one of my Uncles, two Cousins, my dad's Cousin and his kids (I feel bad saying this but they seemed cooler than my cousins), and my mom's old high school friend and her family (with another two kids that seemed cool and I wish I had them as my cousins, ugh why are the other people I meet seem so intelligent, nice and respectful unlike the two... well actually I only saw one this summer because my other cousin was going camping during the week my family was there). Anyway I got to explore the small town of Ann Arbor with my family and that was pretty fun I liked going into the used record stores even if I only found 2 of the many CD's I was looking for. Sadly there was one annoying part during the Ann Arbor trip and that was the car show. I find these shows to be one of the most boring things to experience but my brother and father do not and thus I ended up being extremely bored when they were looking at every inch of the cars and saying stuff like "that car has a V6 engine". Can I ask why do you care so much about the engine a car that you are not going to own? I could go on about this but I'll save it for a later blog.
Other than Ann Arbor we pretty much just stayed at my Grandmothers house and sometimes we drove to the grocery store or target. I'm not really sure how long we stayed there (1 - 2 weeks is my guess) because during the summer I tend to loose track of time since I still don't have a job :( And I don't really have anything to do (friends don't have time to hang out). However because this vacation was this long you can bet it was boring not really doing anything (or having internet) for a while. I think the only other really interesting thing we did was go see the fireworks which was ok (better than last year's at least).
When I was away I manged to buy quite a few CD's which I'll talk about in an upcoming blog I found a promotional copy of Fat of the Land by The Prodigy (pretty cool it was so cheap), and I also got First And Last And Always from my new favorite band the Sisters of Mercy along with some others.
That's about it for this blog. I do have a few announcements down below
Firstly here are the things that I'm planning on doing topics on:
+ Asexuality and other things relating to sex (but in an informative way since our society seems to think that teaching kids about sex is wrong which leads to hate due to not being informed about someone's kink or sexuality. I can testify that my high school didn't go into detail about sex besides the usual that goes in there, and you get a baby. I don't even think they ever talked about safe sex!)
+ More CD pickups
+ More Music Time posts (probably at least the industrial and gothic rock genres).
Expanding my pet peeves (or maybe just a list of things I really don't like) since I left off a lot of stuff.
+ Movies
+ Another video game blog (I might also do something about my progression through the tutorial of the rock band 3 keyboard and maybe some rock band 3 songs that I can't seem to do well on with the pro keyboard)
+ Voodoo (I've been wanting to do that topic for a while now but I've been so lazy) along with other lesser known religions
+ Why Do You Care? (Blogs about things people get worked up about and I do not understand why)
+ Random short blog posts (usually so I can put out a blog post once a day. This might be as short as something that I want to do, or something as long as what happened to me that day. This will also be where the parody type blogs will be as well as the dream blogs too and maybe some things that I really like such as the night).
I guess I got a new follower during the time I was gone :) So shout out to Sydneysomething. I hope you'll enjoy my future blogs.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Some Satire, a Dream and a Little Break
Well the brake shouldn't make that much of a difference because I haven't been updating lately (blame my school's honors club) but hopefully that will change when I come back from vacation.
Anyway because I know I'll be bored on vacation (my family never really does anything) I decided to go back and do some more "creative" writing. Why did I put quotes around creative? Well that's because I'm basing my writing off of the bible (with the Apocrypha) so it will still be creative just not as creative as doing something from scratch. I might or might not show it on my blog because it could offend some people and I'm not the person who likes offending people. However I do expect it to take a while since the bible is so freaking long. But yeah, I'm finally doing something I wanted to do, make a satire/parody of the bible (and read the whole bible too). I've been working on the Genesis part right now (I renamed it origins... not that creative but I couldn't think of a better name that has basically the same meaning and is just one word). It's not the best satire/parody so far but it's getting there (I can't wait to go crazy in the Leviticus part lol). The title of this work is most likely going to be the King Polydectes Holy Moly Bible.
This is not what the satire in the title is referring too, however. It is referring to a question I saw on yahoo answers about someone who needed help writing a satire of peer pressure. Well I made my own satire but I'm not sure how good it is. Anyway here you go I hope you like it.
Peer Pressure: The New Best Thing
Peer Pressure, evil, horrible, bad. Those are just a few of the insensitive names we call fitting in. Everybody says that peer pressure is bad but that's because they don't see the upside to it. So what exactly is peer pressure? Well peer pressure is influence from members of one's peer group. This means that peer pressure is influenced by people around one person, let's call him Little Timmy. So how bad is peer pressure? It's not that bad! Think about all kids in a peer group studying, this is great! There is influence by members studying which is influencing Little Timmy to study. Also what about the people in a group getting cars? This is good because it will make Little Timmy get a car and be able to go to school instead of just sitting at home and skipping school. Also what's the thing about people saying Peer Pressure causes people to try and get addicted to drugs? If everybody is trying drugs then Little Timmy will probably try them too, I'm no denying that, BUT more than likely Little Timmy is going to puke his guts out and get sick after trying these drugs THIS IS A GOOD THING! Now Little Timmy knows what it is like to try drugs and he will never do them again.
Let's not forget about what peer pressure greatly influences: VOTING. You heard me right Peer Pressure is great because it makes people vote for canidates instead of just sitting in their house reading a newspaper. That is, when Little Timmy goes to work his coworkers will say "Who did you vote for? I voted for Billy the Kid." And when Little Timmy says "No I haven't voted for it yet." His coworker would say " Well you have to vote, you should really vote for Billy the Kid he is great." Later that day Little Timmy will vote! Now will he vote for the person he wanted to vote for? YES he would because he never planned on voting but when his coworkers told him everything about Billy the Kid he changed his mind and went to vote for Billy the Kid.
Peer Pressure is also a great influence on the economy! Just think about all the kids crying about how all their friends have a certain toy and they do not. This might change their parents mind and they will buy the toy, thus helping out the people who put effort in the toy from the money they used to buy the toy.
Also, before I forget I've been reading up on lucid dreams (knowing you are dreaming in your dreams, which you can manipulate for better dreams), and one of the things that seems to be important is to keep a dream journal. Well I guess my blog will be my dream journal since I need an excuse to go back and try to write a blog every day or two. So here's the latest dream I had it may seem kind of weird but it was definitely influenced by the things I saw before I went to sleep.
1. Started off that my family and I were at my grandma’s house and (it was half the size it should be) it was like we were in the woods and we had picnic stuff. My brother was late to dinner (or lunch) as usual and knocked off the fries that were on a picnic table. There were blankets (the ones used to cover the floors when painting) on the ground too. Later I met a friend (a girl). With this friend I went to a University to check it out. The friend went to the left hallway and I decided to go to the hallway to the front of me. Ended up meeting an asshole who I ended up flipping off but I overheard his friend telling him that I flipped him off so I quickly walked to the ground/basement level and found the computer club. I sat down at the last level of computers (there were only 3 rows, two horizontal and 1 vertical like a square). A hot girl dressed in cyber clothing asked me why I was there and I moved next to her and we started talking, one of the conversations was about her having a Lamborghini and having a touch screen lock pad on it. And that she was glad she didn’t have to take a taxi anymore. Also when she showed a trait or did something I didn’t like she became uglier.
Well there you go, my bizarre dream that's not too crazy but not too sane either lol.
Oh and I got a new follower Lamonte. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the blogs to come.
That’s about it, until a couple weeks for now enjoy your lives :D
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Music Pickup # 3: Breedless
So I haven't been around lately. Was it a drug deal that went bad? Maybe I got lost in the woods? Or possibly I was running from some crazy person named Suz that I accepted her friend request on facebook and through that she found my address so I had to hide out in a barn for a few days until the cops finally caught her? No, of course it wasn't any of those things I don't do (or sell) drugs, there aren't really real woods where I live, and I don't know anybody named Suz. I actually just didn't have enough time to write a blog and visit this site. Most of it was due to having to get up early for volunteer work at my school (we're trying to raise money to fight cancer) and I had to wake up at 9:00 AM for that so I had to go to be early so I wouldn't be so tired that I would crash the car. But I'm back for possibly one (or two) more blog(s). The reason that it's only one or two more blogs is because my family is going on vacation soon, and since I'll be at my grandma's house I won't be able to get online.
Anyway this is basically just a short blog about what I got last week when I went back to my used cd store.

This was the only Ego Likeness CD I've ever seen at a music store so I decided to get it. It's entitled Breedless, it came out in 2010, and it is amazing. I decided to get this CD with only listening to one song, and I'm amazed at how good the rest of the songs are. I thought the song, Lowest Place on Earth was good but then I heard the other songs on this CD and found out that most of them were actually better than "Lowest Place on Earth", which shows how great this CD is. Anyway here's the little overview of the band and a few songs that I think you should check out. Ego Likeness is a Darkwave, Industrial band from Baltimore, Maryland. They started back in 1999 and are still around today! The two members of this band are also married which I think is kind of cool.
South (Sorry it's the live version it's the only one on youtube. However this video does show how much talent they have)
The Devil's in the Chemicals
I'd have more songs but it's hard to find a normal version of one of their great songs on this CD.
Oh and same-sex marriage is now allowed in New York which is great (especially for the gay and bisexual community)! I can't believe this was not allowed until today the only arguments against it are full of crap. Sadly there are still many states in the US that do not have same-sex marriage which is stupid. But at least there's another state moving forward.
Anyway this is basically just a short blog about what I got last week when I went back to my used cd store.
This was the only Ego Likeness CD I've ever seen at a music store so I decided to get it. It's entitled Breedless, it came out in 2010, and it is amazing. I decided to get this CD with only listening to one song, and I'm amazed at how good the rest of the songs are. I thought the song, Lowest Place on Earth was good but then I heard the other songs on this CD and found out that most of them were actually better than "Lowest Place on Earth", which shows how great this CD is. Anyway here's the little overview of the band and a few songs that I think you should check out. Ego Likeness is a Darkwave, Industrial band from Baltimore, Maryland. They started back in 1999 and are still around today! The two members of this band are also married which I think is kind of cool.
South (Sorry it's the live version it's the only one on youtube. However this video does show how much talent they have)
The Devil's in the Chemicals
I'd have more songs but it's hard to find a normal version of one of their great songs on this CD.
Oh and same-sex marriage is now allowed in New York which is great (especially for the gay and bisexual community)! I can't believe this was not allowed until today the only arguments against it are full of crap. Sadly there are still many states in the US that do not have same-sex marriage which is stupid. But at least there's another state moving forward.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Short List of Pet Peeves
So I ended up making this blog a little later than I wanted to, actually it might just feel later because I'm tired from getting a few hours of sleep last night. Either way this is going to be a short blog about things that kind of get on my nerves, and when I say short I mean short. There are not many things that really make me mad, but of course I'm human and I have some things that I just can't stand. I got the idea for this when I was playing tennis earlier today.
1. Bikers who bike in the middle of the road when they can bike on the sidewalk or bike path. I don't know why these people think that that the whole road belongs to them, I mean I understand if they're biking in the middle of a neighborhood because the sidewalks are so small and there's not much traffic, plus drivers have to go slow anyway. However, when they are biking in the middle of a busy street it gets kind of annoying having to drive 30 mph or more below the speed limit because they want to hog up the whole lane because they want to bike. It doesn't make sense there's a bike lane (or sidewalk) right next to you use that!
2. People who always use pet names. I don't mind it if someone has a pet name for their girlfriend or boyfriend but when they keep on calling them babe or honey over and over and over instead of their real name or just dropping the pet name sometimes. It is really really annoying when someone keeps on doing this. "Babe that was good" "Babe come here" "You're not supposed to hold the racket that way babe" ... yeah I might go insane if I hear someone say babe again.
3. People that do not understand something so they criticize it instead of learning about it (pretty much just ignorance or people who put down others). This is just horrible in many different levels, I don't really know why these people do that I mean it's not that hard to learn about something weird. Just google the term and read a few pages of it and if it interests you maybe read some more. When someone criticizes something using points that don't even relate to the topic it just makes you look like an asshole (sorry for cursing, I doubt you guys care that much).
4.People that generalize different types of people. Yeah just to let you know everybody is DIFFERENT! I think that's all that needs to be said. Plus if you're talking about sex, skin color, or anything else WE ARE ALL HUMAN! Why do they think they are supiror they are a human too?
5. People who use cellphones (texting or holding their phone to their ear) when driving. This does not mean when stopped (it's a lot more safe when stopped) but when driving down a road. This is even worse when people do this on the highway. Did you know that it is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. According to a Harvard University study, cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year?
6. Drivers who don't use their blinker. Why? I mean it's easy to do. It also make me mad that hardly anyone uses their turning signal where I live so I have no idea where people are going and sometimes I don't even know who has the right of way because someone didn't use their blinker.
7. People who talk during movies. Now I have been guilty of this (it's the very cheep $3 movie theaters though which isn't as bad as the $12 ones but it's still bad). However I try not to, I mean this is just being very inconsiderate to other people who paid that much money
8. People who leave their shopping carts out and/or in parking spaces. How lazy can you be? There are a lot of different designated places to put your shopping cart so why leave it in the middle of the parking lot? It makes it so people can't park in a parking spot. I actually saw a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot between two parking spaces making it so that nobody could drive down that line of parking spaces, what the hell? I ended up moving it so that people could go down that isle if they wanted to.
9. People who only care about the looks of a person and not the personality when looking for a lover. I mean sure looks play a part but why the hell do you just want to go out with someone because of how they look? If you don't want a one night stand then look for someone who has a great personality
10. People who think they must fit the idea of beauty that is drawn up by tv, magazines, and other things. Actually it's more about the idea than the people. I just hate how some people think that if they get a boob job, or other plastic surgery then more people will find you attractive. What the heck? I'd rather go out with a girl with very small boobs than someone who had breast implants, I said it once in this blog thing and I'll say it again, I don't care about what someone's boobs look like. I just hate how plastic surgery just makes someone seem really fake. I guess this one is more about plastic surgery, well here's something else that the idea can help which is not very good. Bulimia, Anorexia, and that one disorder that I don't know the name of (the one that mostly men get where they feel like they have to keep on working out because they see themselves as weak or something). Honestly I find this horrible, all of these disorders are dangerous. I'm happy that I don't look like I have a lot of muscles, that's not who I am. Oh and everyone has a different idea of what beauty is.
OK so basically I just don't like people who are inconsiderate. I think that's all of the ones I have, I might have a few more but I can't think of them right now.
That's about it feel free to add to the list if you want to.
Reminder for blog number # 17: Don't hate someone due to their habit, just hate their habit. That person might be a really good person who only has a horrible habit.
1. Bikers who bike in the middle of the road when they can bike on the sidewalk or bike path. I don't know why these people think that that the whole road belongs to them, I mean I understand if they're biking in the middle of a neighborhood because the sidewalks are so small and there's not much traffic, plus drivers have to go slow anyway. However, when they are biking in the middle of a busy street it gets kind of annoying having to drive 30 mph or more below the speed limit because they want to hog up the whole lane because they want to bike. It doesn't make sense there's a bike lane (or sidewalk) right next to you use that!
2. People who always use pet names. I don't mind it if someone has a pet name for their girlfriend or boyfriend but when they keep on calling them babe or honey over and over and over instead of their real name or just dropping the pet name sometimes. It is really really annoying when someone keeps on doing this. "Babe that was good" "Babe come here" "You're not supposed to hold the racket that way babe" ... yeah I might go insane if I hear someone say babe again.
3. People that do not understand something so they criticize it instead of learning about it (pretty much just ignorance or people who put down others). This is just horrible in many different levels, I don't really know why these people do that I mean it's not that hard to learn about something weird. Just google the term and read a few pages of it and if it interests you maybe read some more. When someone criticizes something using points that don't even relate to the topic it just makes you look like an asshole (sorry for cursing, I doubt you guys care that much).
4.People that generalize different types of people. Yeah just to let you know everybody is DIFFERENT! I think that's all that needs to be said. Plus if you're talking about sex, skin color, or anything else WE ARE ALL HUMAN! Why do they think they are supiror they are a human too?
5. People who use cellphones (texting or holding their phone to their ear) when driving. This does not mean when stopped (it's a lot more safe when stopped) but when driving down a road. This is even worse when people do this on the highway. Did you know that it is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. According to a Harvard University study, cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year?
6. Drivers who don't use their blinker. Why? I mean it's easy to do. It also make me mad that hardly anyone uses their turning signal where I live so I have no idea where people are going and sometimes I don't even know who has the right of way because someone didn't use their blinker.
7. People who talk during movies. Now I have been guilty of this (it's the very cheep $3 movie theaters though which isn't as bad as the $12 ones but it's still bad). However I try not to, I mean this is just being very inconsiderate to other people who paid that much money
8. People who leave their shopping carts out and/or in parking spaces. How lazy can you be? There are a lot of different designated places to put your shopping cart so why leave it in the middle of the parking lot? It makes it so people can't park in a parking spot. I actually saw a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot between two parking spaces making it so that nobody could drive down that line of parking spaces, what the hell? I ended up moving it so that people could go down that isle if they wanted to.
9. People who only care about the looks of a person and not the personality when looking for a lover. I mean sure looks play a part but why the hell do you just want to go out with someone because of how they look? If you don't want a one night stand then look for someone who has a great personality
10. People who think they must fit the idea of beauty that is drawn up by tv, magazines, and other things. Actually it's more about the idea than the people. I just hate how some people think that if they get a boob job, or other plastic surgery then more people will find you attractive. What the heck? I'd rather go out with a girl with very small boobs than someone who had breast implants, I said it once in this blog thing and I'll say it again, I don't care about what someone's boobs look like. I just hate how plastic surgery just makes someone seem really fake. I guess this one is more about plastic surgery, well here's something else that the idea can help which is not very good. Bulimia, Anorexia, and that one disorder that I don't know the name of (the one that mostly men get where they feel like they have to keep on working out because they see themselves as weak or something). Honestly I find this horrible, all of these disorders are dangerous. I'm happy that I don't look like I have a lot of muscles, that's not who I am. Oh and everyone has a different idea of what beauty is.
OK so basically I just don't like people who are inconsiderate. I think that's all of the ones I have, I might have a few more but I can't think of them right now.
That's about it feel free to add to the list if you want to.
Reminder for blog number # 17: Don't hate someone due to their habit, just hate their habit. That person might be a really good person who only has a horrible habit.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Music Pickup # 2: Crackle, and Of Faith, Power, and Glory
So I guess I missed blogging about something yesterday, sorry about that but to avoid saying sorry every time I miss a day of blogging I'm going say that I am most likely going to be blogging ever other day.
OK since that's out of the way I'm going to get into the two CD's I picked up at the used record store I said I was going to in one of the recent blogs I wrote. This store was pretty cool, they actually had a section for industrial music which I never saw at the other used record store that I go to. They also had a quite a few good artists that I haven't seen that that other record store too like Ego Likeness (I was surprised to see one of their CD's there). Sadly I'm trying to save my money so I can have some gas money before I get my college refund for the fall semester so I can drive to school so I only bought two CD's.

Yes, the first CD I got was Crackle by Bauhaus. Bauhaus was a post punk, gothic rock band that formed in 1978 and had 5 studio albums (each came out a year after the other with the exception of the last one which came out in 2008). Sadly they are not together anymore. Anyway, I usually don't buy band's greatest hits CD's but this was a special occasion because I think that Bauhaus is just an OK band but they do some really great songs and pretty much all their songs I like are on the CD so it worked out well. One thing I think is cool is that the purple bauhaus symbol on the CD is shiny... I don't know why I think that's cool but it is lol.

This is the other CD I got; Of Faith, Power, and Glory by VNV Nation. VNV Nation is a synthpop, futurepop, EBM, and industrial band that started back in 1990 (I can't believe that's more than 20 years from now) and are still around today! I think that this CD is good going towards OK, it has some really great songs but it also has some songs that aren't so good.
Here are some songs from these CD's that I really like (only three songs per CD)
Crackle by Bauhaus
The Passion of Lovers
Terror Couple Kill Colonel
Bela Lugosi's Dead
Of Faith, Power, and Glory by VNV Nation
The Great Divide
Art of Conflict
Tomorrow Never Comes
I also got a new follower. Woohoo I now have 2 followers! So here's a shout out to jessieann13 for being my second follower. Hopefully you'll enjoy the blogs to come :)
Reminder for blog # 16: Sometimes it is better to get the greatest hits CD of a band than to get all of their CD's.
OK since that's out of the way I'm going to get into the two CD's I picked up at the used record store I said I was going to in one of the recent blogs I wrote. This store was pretty cool, they actually had a section for industrial music which I never saw at the other used record store that I go to. They also had a quite a few good artists that I haven't seen that that other record store too like Ego Likeness (I was surprised to see one of their CD's there). Sadly I'm trying to save my money so I can have some gas money before I get my college refund for the fall semester so I can drive to school so I only bought two CD's.
Yes, the first CD I got was Crackle by Bauhaus. Bauhaus was a post punk, gothic rock band that formed in 1978 and had 5 studio albums (each came out a year after the other with the exception of the last one which came out in 2008). Sadly they are not together anymore. Anyway, I usually don't buy band's greatest hits CD's but this was a special occasion because I think that Bauhaus is just an OK band but they do some really great songs and pretty much all their songs I like are on the CD so it worked out well. One thing I think is cool is that the purple bauhaus symbol on the CD is shiny... I don't know why I think that's cool but it is lol.
This is the other CD I got; Of Faith, Power, and Glory by VNV Nation. VNV Nation is a synthpop, futurepop, EBM, and industrial band that started back in 1990 (I can't believe that's more than 20 years from now) and are still around today! I think that this CD is good going towards OK, it has some really great songs but it also has some songs that aren't so good.
Here are some songs from these CD's that I really like (only three songs per CD)
Crackle by Bauhaus
The Passion of Lovers
Terror Couple Kill Colonel
Bela Lugosi's Dead
Of Faith, Power, and Glory by VNV Nation
The Great Divide
Art of Conflict
Tomorrow Never Comes
I also got a new follower. Woohoo I now have 2 followers! So here's a shout out to jessieann13 for being my second follower. Hopefully you'll enjoy the blogs to come :)
Reminder for blog # 16: Sometimes it is better to get the greatest hits CD of a band than to get all of their CD's.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A very short blog plus it's the end of Red and Black week.

Sorry I missed yesterday but I was too tired to blog (almost like today lol). Anyway here's the final picture of me (without a head of course, but then again you could just photoshop my profile pic on the outfit ). It's a step up from the previous one.

In this picture I'm wearing a nice leather coat which I found at good will for only 15 bucks (couldn't believe such a nice coat was that low of price). Under that I have a jersey which I also found at good will (I actually thought it was as mesh shirt and bought it so I would look very weird for one of my classes that we had to dress abnormally for, I don't mind wearing it over my shirt but I'd never use it as a shirt) and under that is my red shirt. This is probably the most D.I.Y I will ever do since I have two Angelspit Buttons on my jacket (you probably can't see them), and I consider this way of dress D.I.Y even though it's not really (but if you see the jersey without the jacket it looks horrible). Anyway, I am also wearing the most comfortable pants ever, which I found online (the only thing I hate is that they make noise when I walk in them).
I was going to go off and talk about D.I.Y and what I thought of it but because I'm so tired today too I will save that for another day.
Reminder for blog # 15: Sometimes covering part of your clothing can make it look cool instead of very very lame.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Blogging just to blog Oh and R&B day 4

So as you might have guessed from the title I don't really have anything to say in this blog. I mean I do have some ideas but those are for later blogs (the one tomorrow will be about DIY and the one after that will be about Voodoo). However I did not dress up for those videos (well actually the shirt I'm wearing might kind of be a little voodooish but I don't really think so). And since tomorrow is petty much the big finish (not sure if the blog after that one counts as another day or not so I'm playing it safe and going to put up a red and black symbol that I found online)
There you go, actual clothing! I wish my shirt didn't have the shiny silver stuff on it though. Also isn't this just the best background ever? lol
Well I can say that I'm finally exercising again (haven't done that since the fall, unless you count walking around lol) today I played tennis at the local school's tennis courts for about an hour and it's just as fun as I remembered. I'm actually thinking about doing a blog about sports but that will be sometime in the future. I also just watched the cinema snobs latest video which reminded of Gustav Holst's Planet songs . For those of you who don't know who this guy is he's a person who makes lots of different videos but mostly focuses on making comical parody reviews of random movies (parodying movie critics).
Reminder for blog #14: Exercise when you can, it can be lots of fun and it's healthy.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Music Time: Punk Rock. Oh and R&B day 3

OK I think it's time for a blog that's a little more happier, so here it is my 2nd of most likely many, many, many blogs about music (can you tell I like music? Still I don't seem to like it as much as my dad, he has 6 of those big 336 pocket folders filled with all his CD's, and he still has records and cassette tapes ). I think this blog goes well with what I wore today kind of well.
This is actually the logo of the band Bad Religion. I swear I'm done doing the small stuff, tomorrow I'll wear an "outfit" (red shirt with black pants is the most likely outcome. Whatever it is, it won't be that creative, that's what I'm saving for Friday).
So seeing as Bad Religion is a punk band I will be discussing my views on the Punk genre as a whole as well as listing off my favorite punk bands.
About my history with punk music:
I think most of the music I heard as a kid was in the punk genre since my dad was obsessed with it for a while. I've heard bands like The Clash, the Ramones, The Sex Pistols (I think they were the first punk rock band I heard, but they might have just been the first band I heard that I knew were punk rock) As well as some others. I've also heard quite a few newer punk bands like Rancid, Green Day, and even newer punk music like Rise Against.
It's interesting to compare punk music from different decades and see how different it is. What's also strange is how these bands seem to get worse with popularity (at least to me). Rise Against was pretty good but then their "Appeal to Reason" album kept on playing on the radio and everyone I knew suddenly liked them, then they released their new CD and I don't even like it that much (but I loved their other CD). Then there was Green Day. Do I even have to say how bad they are? After their greatest hits CD Billy Armstrong changed styles (he became emo and really changed the way Green Day's music was, making it less energetic and more emotional). This lead to mainstream success (of course lol), and I can't stand their new music anymore. Did I also say that a few of the songs I've heard on their newest CD sound very identical to American idiot but with different lyrics? (don't worry I didn't buy a CD of a band I don't like, my dad still likes them so he has almost all their CD's). Another band that has become a little worse with popularity is Rancid. After their song Time bomb was on the radio their next CD sounded a little worse to me. They're still good though, Tim Armstrong is a beast.
History of Punk Music:
Some of the first couple of punk bands were The Stooges, and the Velvet Underground, David Bowie and also The Who (these bands are classsified as protopunk bands though which means that they were the ones that greatly influenced punk rock music as seen by many punk rock artists siting them as their influence).
As far as I can tell (and I was just skimming wikipedia so who knows how accurate this is) the Ramones were the first real punk band, then there was the Sex Pistols which was another early punk rock band along with The Talking Heads. There was also the formation of the Buzzcocks and The Clash. Oh I forgot one band that's very important, Joy Division! Can't forget that band since it was technically the first Gothic Rock band.
The next wave of of Punk had bands such as the Misfits (they do one of my favorite songs but I don't like them that much, and I guess they're more horror punk but whatever that's still punk) and the Bad Brain (one of the first Hardcore punk bands, it's funny to think that without them and a few of the other Hardcore punk bands there would be no emo subculture since that's about post-hardcore and emotional hardcore music, which are offshoots of Hardcore punk lol). I guess there was also The Police here too. Oh and also The Dead Kennedies, Black flag, and the Circle Jerks.
Later post-punk emerged
This is a very important part for the Goth subculture since it was when the bands that would start the whole Gothic movement emerged such as Bauhaus, The Birthday Party, The Cure, and Siouxsie and the Banshees (actually they started earlier as a punk rock band but transitioned into the post-punk genre). I guess Joy Division is also in this category too.
Then there was the modern revival of punk (my favorite) with bands like Operation Ivy (later Tim Armstrong formed Rancid, my favorite punk band), and Bad Religion (actually from '79) Reel Big Fish, and NOFX.
There were also some very mainstream punk bands like Blink-182, Sum41 and The Offspring. All are bands I actually kind of like.
Things that marked the punk subculture
- DIY (Do It Yourself) Clothing
- Moshing at concerts (In my opinion it's the worst thing to come out of punk)
- Anti-Authority attitude/ideals (it doesn't have to be violent most of it's more left winged stuff, and they're usually not violent, like everyone else. Even though that's not what the media wants you to think, but the media obviously doesn't know anything about subcultures lol)
- Mohawks (Hell yeah, I'm 99% sure I'm never going to have one though, but I wanted one when I was in grade school lol)
- Chains and spikes? I always thought they were more punk than anything else but I guess I might be wrong about that (at least according to wikipedia).
My favorite Punk Bands (Oh and I have to say I think that short punk songs are so much better than the long ones. They have all the energy (most of the time) and still end up getting their point across in a short amount of time.) Yep, there are links
1. Rancid (I love this band, they were one of the few
2. Green Day (before American Idiot I loved this band)
3. Bad Religion
5. The Offspring (I was going to link to their song "I choose" but you can easily hear the pop influence in that song. This song also made my mom get a little pissed off at my music taste, lol).
Also check out:
The Talking Heads
The Dead Kennedys
The Misfits (They only do one song I really like, but I really really like it lol. I always see their pins at my local/downtown record store though, and I have to say those are pretty cool).
The Police (I'm still confused at why this band is punk but whatever, I guess that's just because they don't have a crap load of energy. It does remind me of the book "Lolita" though, never read it but I know what it's about).
The Clash (I love this song, they really don't make songs like this anymore)
The Stooges (I hope I look like Iggy Pop when I'm as old as he is lol)
Reel Big Fish (I wish I could see them again this year but I don't think that will happen ).
Be Your Own Pet (That one band who had 3 "banned" songs in the US for no real reason, it's kind of funny though because one of the "banned" songs was made into a music video)
I didn't put any Gothic rock bands on the list because I will probably talk about that in the future and that list will have the bands like Bauhaus.
Before I go (AKA Random stuff)
First, off I'm starting my job search again. I've been looking for a job since last year and so far only one place has called back :( Hopefully I end up finding a good job sometime soon though. I'm thinking of applying at an independent record store that's supposed to be close to my house but I have no idea where it is. I might also see if I can get a job at my local vet too since I love animals. Sadly I don't think they have any positions open right now but there are a few positions that don't require any previous experience. I might also try the usual fast food places that are around my house again, hopefully I'll at least get a call if not a job.
I also want to advertise a newer person on youtube that you might like, I don't find her videos that interesting but that's because she doesn't talk about stuff I'm really into. However I am betting that you might like it if any of you are into thrift store finds or book reviews. She also seems like a cool person (at least on camera), plus I like helping out people who are new to things. Oh and who said Goths have to be white?
Reminder for Blog #13: Everything changes with time.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
OK, so It's a little kinky Oh and R&B day 2

Yes the symbol is red, I used my built in webcam to take the picture. I was going to make this out of candle wax but I didn't have any red candles, so I made it out of blood... fake blood that I bought a while ago in October for my costume and the movies I used to make (they were very bad, but they were made by someone in 7th or 8th grade). This stuff kind of stains though, that would be weird if I ran into someone who knew what this symbol was at the store tomorrow.
Yes that's my 2nd picture, not much since I'm building up to actually having an "outfit" but hey whatever, it suits what I'm going to blog about. And in case you don't know what this is, it is the lovely symbol of BDSM (how's that for a "dark" themed blog lol) yes that evil sexual practice in which someone is being a slave against their will and being forced to do unspeakable acts... only that's not really what goes on. However I have yet to participate in this practice so this is not from experience but from what others (I assume experts in this field) have to say.
So I was wondering if I should make my blog have a warning for adult content, but I decided not to because adult content would be something describing every little detail of a sexual act or showing pictures of nudity. Both of which I will not being discussing here, since this is about education it's not supposed to be anything more than that.
This blog is just a quick overview of what BDSM is and about educating people who think that BDSM is sick and is harmful to relationships because of how brutal it is thus they say it's like an abusive relationship. Honestly I think BDSM is much more romantic than many other "vanilla" things (things normal people do). The funny thing is that these people might actually be participating in some type of BDSM.
What exactly is BDSM?
Well it's when one person (the Dominate) takes control over another person (the submissive), but that's a very very simplistic version so let's go into some greater detail. In long hand BDSM is Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/Submission, and Sadomasochism. However BDSM can be one or all of these things. B/D is pretty obvious, in Bondage the Dom (Dominate person) binds the sub (submissive person) somehow either with rope or handcuffs or other interesting objects. And in Discipline the Dom disciplines the sub (of course) by doing many different things ranging from tying up the sub to using whips and such. D/s is still kind of obvious (at least I think so). In Dominance the Dom barks orders to the sub and sometimes even physically forces the sub to do and in Submission the sub does what the Dom wants him/her to do (sometimes they don't though... ). Lastly, in Sadomasochism means getting pleasure from getting or receiving pain or humiliation. Thus the Dom giving the sub pain or humiliating acts and the sub enjoying them. So now you kind of know what it is so let's get further into it and talk about the most important things for people who like this.
What is BDSM all about?
The 3 most important words you will hear about BDSM is SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL. Thus people who participate in this will try as much as they can to be safe (obviously it's easier in some cases than in others. This also includes what "normal" people do too for safe sex), people who participate in this will also try as hard as they can to be sane and not get carried away with the scene, and they will never do this with someone that does not say that they want to have sex this way. There are also other things that people do such as print out a sheet that says what they will and will not do (the sub is pretty much the one who chooses what can and can't be done, but if the Dom doesn't want to do something then the sub might have to allow that activity to go). However if someone feels that they have to have their partner put their signature on the bottom of this then they shouldn't participate, because trust is a key aspect of BDSM too.
The two very key elements besides SSC is *Communication* and *Trust* Communication is key to know how far to go either before hand or during the activity (using safe words such as "orange" to slow down, "yellow" to pause, "red" to stop you don't have to use these words though they are just great ones to use because they are easy to remember. I should say that you should always have at least one safe word, especially if it's your first time because the Dom/sub is not you which means they do not know if you are enjoying the activity or if you are really in pain and it has gone a little far). It's obvious why Communication is very important because this is not torture, both the Dom and sub are looking for pleasure.
Are you at all into any degree of BDSM?
BDSM can be as simple as cuffing your lover to the bed or putting on a blindfold, and go to the insane degree as being a full time slave (Honestly I don't know how some people can actually enjoy being a 24/7 slave, however there are people like that in the world and to them I say "keep doing what you're doing as long as you're happy about it" [which they most likely are]. Actually the funny thing is that the people in these relationships tend to be in happier relationships than the people in normal relationships [it's actually not all that impressive since so many people get divorces nowadays].
Whereas sex is biological, BDSM is more psychological.
Many people think that BDSM is all about inflicting pain on another person but it's not so. One of the main appeals to BDSM is the power exchange (giving the Dom power over you but also having limits on what they can/can't do). This is shown in the people who are want to have control over everything in their lives but are subs. For some it's also they adore women (or men) and they just want to serve them and make them happy. For me there's many different appeals the main one is knowing that I am giving the woman pleasure, but there are more.
Here's a list of things that are BDSM but can easily not be violent at all
1. Sensation play - this is the Dom using sensations on the sub to cause both to have fun. It can be anything from using feathers to ice and hot wax (hence why I wanted to use it instead of the fake blood). It can also be sensory deprivation and can also involve flogging and bitting.
2. "normal" sexual things but with being "forced" to do.
3. Almost anything in the humiliation category (gags can be violent depending on what one you use though)
BDSM can involve lots of creativity with different scenes and such ...I guess this is where all that creativity that was supposed to be for clothes went...
1. It's horrible nobody would want that and it's just like an abusive relationship!
So for those of you that say that it is horrible that a sub is getting abused, I have this to say to you. Did you read what I wrote? subs enjoy the abuse (when in the bedroom, and some of them enjoy it all the time) it's psychologically fulfilling and fun. Obviously subs would not do it if it wasn't fun for them. The Dom's are also very careful as to not go to far on the subs too because they LOVE their partner too (unless it's at one of those parties, then they just have empathy for another fellow human being). The reason I say that this is more romantic than the "vanilla" relationships is because through this you get more in-tune with you lover (Dom's can enjoy inflicting pain on their sub but only if they know that the sub is enjoying it and after a few sessions the Dom will have a good idea of where the sub's comfort level is), there is also the part of how far someone is willing to go to pleasure their lover (the Dom has to be very considerate of the sub and the sub is taking the abuse from the Dom, well the abuse that's not above their comfort level).
2. It's caused by abuse
Nope. There was never any abuse that happened in my family. My best guess would be that this stuff is genetic.
3. More myths It's already 4 am here and I don't want to spend another 30 minutes writing down all this stuff
My thoughts:
Now you've heard what BDSM really is, so what do I think of it? Obviously I'm into it (otherwise I wouldn't have made this blog) but like everyone I do have my limits. I could talk more about it but I doubt you really care lol. Oh and in case you are wondering I am a switch (meaning I enjoy both being a Dom and sub) but I'm more into being a sub, there's nothing sexier than a mentally strong woman. ;) But why do you even care?
I actually was just listening to this song and it seems like it actually works for this blog (if you think about it. It's really not about BDSM at all even though it can be applied to it).
Links (only if you're interested in this kind of stuff and there is slight nudity): (best site for information in my opinion).
Oh and before I go I also managed to add something new about what my blog is generally about (it's even more general than the big white letters under the title).
Reminder for blog # 12: Life is short so have fun and do what you want (as long as you're not bringing harm to others).
Monday, June 6, 2011
Might as well try to participate in Red & Black Week

So one of the few people I follow on this blogging site is participating in this event (created by Sophistique Noir) and I thought, I might as well do it too since I didn't have any ideas for a blog today. Plus I'd be the only guy doing it, that's gotta count for something right? ;) Anyway I thought it would be kind of hard to do though until I realized that most of my clothes are either red or black (there's a blue shirt in there somewhere, along with some blue jeans, though). Sadly since I've recently gotten into Gothic clothing style (I think I started to get into it in November or sometime around there) I don't really have any cool clothing to show off, but I do have one "outfit" wow a guy saying that, it's weird... Anyway I do have one thing to wear that I might show off. But I do kind of wish it was a black and blue week instead because I have many more cooler things that are black and blue than red and black. If only I had gotten the respirator with the red UV tubes instead of the blue ones, or at least the goggles with red lenses.
I'm going to have a twist on this thing though, I'll only do 1 blog about fashion! That one will probably be the last blog I do dedicated to this event thing so look forward to that if you're into that sort of thing. It might just be my only blog on fashion lol.
Well here's my first picture, yep it's not that great but hey it is a picture of red and black kind of being mixed together. Don't worry though, the next picture I put up will be a lot better, I'm actually getting "more extreme" with each picture, and seeing that this isn't really any sort of extreme (since it's not really anything but food) it shouldn't be hard to top for tomorrow's picture.
idea from :
Blackberries and coke. Yum, dinner! Actually that was just a midnight snack. I only have a few good ideas for this thing and I didn't want to use them on the first day of this thing. However tomorrow's blog will be more creative and I think it'll be better.
Also before I go, I can't stop playing this song. It's from the movie: From Dusk till Dawn. In my opinion that movie's good but just OK for a vampire film, I prefer the ones that only have one or two vampires (like Queen of the Damned or )
Oh and I fixed some parts of my last blog, I just added a tiny bit to my rant clarifying what I see the difference is between "mallgoths" and real ones. Along with adding links to the other lists besides the music one, and adding a great picture in the beginning that I think really expresses the main ideas of Goth as best as a picture can. Speaking of my last blog I got my first follower :) So, Shout out to you Tenebris In Lux I have no idea how you found my blog but I hope you enjoy the blogs to come :) If there's something you want me to talk about in a blog just let me know in a comment since there will be days like today where I have almost nothing to talk about (but somehow manage to make a large blog about it... I don't know how that's possible). I also hope you don't mind that I kind of took your idea but without it looking that good.
Reminder for blog #11: It's good to be patient. It's also amazing how some people can ramble on and on. I once had a teacher who would go on and on about what her day was like before even teaching, she would go off saying something like how she almost spilled her coffee...
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