Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Short List of Pet Peeves

So I ended up making this blog a little later than I wanted to, actually it might just feel later because I'm tired from getting a few hours of sleep last night. Either way this is going to be a short blog about things that kind of get on my nerves, and when I say short I mean short. There are not many things that really make me mad, but of course I'm human and I have some things that I just can't stand. I got the idea for this when I was playing tennis earlier today.

1. Bikers who bike in the middle of the road when they can bike on the sidewalk or bike path. I don't know why these people think that that the whole road belongs to them, I mean I understand if they're biking in the middle of a neighborhood because the sidewalks are so small and there's not much traffic, plus drivers have to go slow anyway. However, when they are biking in the middle of a busy street it gets kind of annoying having to drive 30 mph or more below the speed limit because they want to hog up the whole lane because they want to bike. It doesn't make sense there's a bike lane (or sidewalk) right next to you use that!

2. People who always use pet names. I don't mind it if someone has a pet name for their girlfriend or boyfriend but when they keep on calling them babe or honey over and over and over instead of their real name or just dropping the pet name sometimes. It is really really annoying when someone keeps on doing this. "Babe that was good" "Babe come here" "You're not supposed to hold the racket that way babe" ... yeah I might go insane if I hear someone say babe again.

3. People that do not understand something so they criticize it instead of learning about it (pretty much just ignorance or people who put down others). This is just horrible in many different levels, I don't really know why these people do that I mean it's not that hard to learn about something weird. Just google the term and read a few pages of it and if it interests you maybe read some more. When someone criticizes something using points that don't even relate to the topic it just makes you look like an asshole (sorry for cursing, I doubt you guys care that much).

4.People that generalize different types of people. Yeah just to let you know everybody is DIFFERENT! I think that's all that needs to be said. Plus if you're talking about sex, skin color, or anything else WE ARE ALL HUMAN! Why do they think they are supiror they are a human too?

5. People who use cellphones (texting or holding their phone to their ear) when driving. This does not mean when stopped (it's a lot more safe when stopped) but when driving down a road. This is even worse when people do this on the highway. Did you know that it is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. According to a Harvard University study, cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year?

6. Drivers who don't use their blinker. Why? I mean it's easy to do. It also make me mad that hardly anyone uses their turning signal where I live so I have no idea where people are going and sometimes I don't even know who has the right of way because someone didn't use their blinker. 

7. People who talk during movies. Now I have been guilty of this (it's the very cheep $3 movie theaters though which isn't as bad as the $12 ones but it's still bad). However I try not to, I mean this is just being very inconsiderate to other people who paid that much money 

8. People who leave their shopping carts out and/or in parking spaces. How lazy can you be? There are a lot of different designated places to put your shopping cart so why leave it in the middle of the parking lot? It makes it so people can't park in a parking spot. I actually saw a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot between two parking spaces making it so that nobody could drive down that line of parking spaces, what the hell? I ended up moving it so that people could go down that isle if they wanted to.

9. People who only care about the looks of a person and not the personality when looking for a lover. I mean sure looks play a part but why the hell do you just want to go out with someone because of how they look? If you don't want a one night stand then look for someone who has a great personality 

10. People who think they must fit the idea of beauty that is drawn up by tv, magazines, and other things. Actually it's more about the idea than the people. I just hate how some people think that if they get a boob job, or other plastic surgery then more people will find you attractive. What the heck? I'd rather go out with a girl with very small boobs than someone who had breast implants, I said it once in this blog thing and I'll say it again, I don't care about what someone's boobs look like. I just hate how plastic surgery just makes someone seem really fake. I guess this one is more about plastic surgery, well here's something else that the idea can help which is not very good. Bulimia, Anorexia, and that one disorder that I don't know the name of  (the one that mostly men get where they feel like they have to keep on working out because they see themselves as weak or something). Honestly I find this horrible, all of these disorders are dangerous. I'm happy that I don't look like I have a lot of muscles, that's not who I am. Oh and everyone has a different idea of what beauty is.

OK so basically I just don't like people who are inconsiderate. I think that's all of the ones I have, I might have a few more but I can't think of them right now.

That's about it feel free to add to the list if you want to.

Reminder for blog number # 17: Don't hate someone due to their habit, just hate their habit. That person might be a really good person who only has a horrible habit.


  1. We share a lot of those. I need to make a list of pet peeves, too. But I have a really long list o_o

    Surprisingly, "babe" and "baby" annoys be too. I hope my usage of "rakka" doesn't annoy you on my blog, I like to keep him more mysterious and anonymous, no? But at least I don't prance around calling him "sugarplumfacesweetysweets" or whatever. Blegh.

  2. @Tenebris In Lux: Oh, that's good I'm not the only one who's annoyed by these things. I don't really see your use of that word annoying mostly because it's like a username. Lol that would be horrible yet funny.
