Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear Diary # 1

This is a fake diary that I have decided to make for the public, of course some of the things in here I do believe but most of the things in this Dear Diary series are fictional. Enjoy.

Dear Diary,

How are you? I am fine. OK sorry I forgot you're just a book that is supposed to keep my secrets but I don't really know what to talk about, I guess I can write about my day. Well today was ok, I got outside and walked to my neighborhood blockbuster. I looked around this place and what did I find? There was a new room at the back of the store that had some kind of curtain over it. I never noticed that before and but I decided not to go in, I mean I found what I wanted to watch anyway the movie called "The Ring". I also asked for a job application there, I've been trying to get a job since summer and I still don't have one. Why is it so hard to get a job in the US? Anyway after going to blockbuster I went to get some food and then I went home and didn't do much else. I'm still curious about that room though, maybe sometime I'll visit it and tell you, Mr. Diary, what is in there.

Reminder for blog # 7: If you can't find a job keep at it, you'll get one sometime.

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